CS mod!

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el rolio

are they gonna make a counterstrike mod with the hl2 hammer thing?

i mean i dont se how it would be so much of a problem for someone to create the stndard 10 maps again or so, the skins, and the guns.

i mean, does anyone know about this? this will easily be half of my HL2 experience, cuz as soon as im done wit hteh single player, i want to be playin CS with hl2, and im sure after a few months of hl2's release servers everywhere could be populated with this new cs.


let me kno what you guys know please.
the new cs game will be called cs:CZ and its gona be a full game and not a mod....
A CS mod for HL2, could be the same experience again, like cheating, wining, spamming :D, or it could be the other way around due to hl2 technology, lets certainly hope so :D
Originally posted by simmo2k3
A CS mod for HL2, could be the same experience again, like cheating, wining, spamming :D, or it could be the other way around due to hl2 technology, lets certainly hope so :D
nah.. i'd go for other great mods.
FromHell, the cz is just another half-life spin off, noting big.

simmo2k3, hopefully we'll be able to enjoy it before the mass lamers figure out how to go out and buy hl2.

There will be a cs2, and it has been stated that mods can port over, so it wouldn't be compltely redone. Although, I don't see cs as something that would really utilize the new engine well. Here's me some truely bad ass mod comes out of it.
yeah the HL2 engine will just make CS look better..
of course CS 2 will be out evnetually

you think valve is not going to attempt to publish a Counter-Strike for Half-Life 2? C'mon now, without CS, HL1 would have been kaputz. Condition Zero is totally separate from anything HL2 related. I am quite positive that the Gooseman and the rest of the creators of CS will revamp it for the HL2 engine, if they didn't, someone else in the MOD community would do it.
It would be better to have a single player and multilayer mod for Hl2. The game would look alot better with valve's source engine. Either that or they could change over to valve's source engine but hell it would be delayed forever. I sure hope they revamp it for HL2 after CS:CZ is released. Cs helped HL out a whole lot.
Ok forget the usual CS crap, think about this:

To set the scene: Terrorists seize control of a bank and the CT's are called in, the CT's arrive via SWAT van and have a number of way to attack the bank. Every single building on the block sized map is enterable and the banks windows are covered by blinds that can be opened or closed by the terrorists.

Now heres what could be possible:

The terrorists tip over tables and desks to take cover behind while the CT's move into position, two snipers take overwatch position and aim at the windows. A lone CTer buys some det charges (not C4) and pants them on the window. The rest of the CT's line up near the window waiting for the go code (From some kind of commander?), The code is given and the det charge on the window is detonated, glass flys everywhere and in roll some smoke grenades, and a few flash bangs. The CT's move in and kill one terrorist, then another T and another. There is one T left he is in the back room. The CT's place another charge and get ready to blow open the door. The terrorist shoots through the wall killing most of the CT's.

See how different the new CS could be if they made it like that? I would want to see some proper terrorist targets, no more dust maps please :D
I totally agree with Bilko. CS2 could be something.. really cool. The bank thing is more something for bank robbers though :p.
I wouldn't expect anything too innovative, as it will most likely be targetted at the masses (dumb asses included) from the start.

No one here has really said there won't be a CS2, considering...well, there will be.
There's too many pro-hl people on this board; we need a few hl-haters to livin things up. :cool:

how's that?
lol thats such a good impression

If CS2 ends up being targetted for the masses (i.e. ends up being crap) then whats to say that someone won't create a really good CS copy mod that takes advantages of the new engine and makes a really good CS for using the HL2 engine.
i think they'd have to make some pretty dramatic changes to CS for it to take advantage of Source. As is CS couldnt utilize Source 100%
nah.. CS had its days with hl1. For HL2 its time for some other mod to be awsome
i think that you won't ba able to stop a C.S mod coming out for half-life 2, they said that there will be a pack to allow people to do their own mapping, and therefor you won't stop people from doing a new c.s, c.s. is my main game of choice, i'm in a c.s. clan and one of the main complaints about c.s. is the maps, the quality isn't that great and affects game play, people want maps with good grafics, game play and some amount of oringinalty, some c.s. maps have attempted this but with the current half-life engine that it is used it lags something stupid, the fps are low and it all makes the gameplay absolute shite, the bigest bitch is that UT has better maps and grafics due to its newer better engine but doesn't have the same gameplay or skill of c.s.
tbh, c.s. does alot for half-life, many people have half-life just for c.s. that i know of, some people i'm sad to say have c.s. but have never played half-life
Ok, straight from csnation.

"Counter-Strike 2, which hasn't been officially announced, is currently in development at the hands of Minh Le (Gooseman). Le made the original Counter-Strike almost solo—most modification teams tend to have no less than six members working on various aspects of the game. "[CS' legacy] may turn out to be slightly scary when trying to follow it up," explained Jess Cliffe, now working a summer job at Valve Software.

First off, I've never heard of CS2," Cliffe told us when asked what he would want to change for CS2. "The main things (the grand things) that we've wanted to do have been limited by the engine. Should there be a sequel, bigger and better things would be able to be done with new technology."

Cliffe did say that the original CS team is working on an unannounced project. A sequel to the biggest online action game ever is inevitable. Le has already taken interviews about CS2, though incredibly vague. Announced versus unannounced is just a minor point in the gaming industry, but perhaps the CS team's reluctance to reveal the development of the game shows how far that team has actually traveled.

One day Gooseman and cliffe were simple mod makers, only out to grab some downloads and make a fun game. Now they foster the largest online community of Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists."
Yeah a CS2 is inevitable, but i dont think they will release it as a mod, but rather Valve will release it as a retail product. There is too much potential money to be made if they didnt release it for free to the people that have HL2, but rather make all the millions of people who play the game including the ones with HL2, go out and buy it rather then get 2 games for 1. It would be a smart sales idea.
i've heard about c.s. 2 aswell as the new updated c.s. mod which is only out as beta so far and apparently somehwhat lacking, i'd be somewhat wondering whether they will use or build a differen't engine or if they are going to wait for the new scource engine and use that, tbh c.s. doesn't use AI as it is an online game u play against others so most likely any mods would want to use the AI in someway, maybe they will just use it for bots in lan games
as i said before don't knock c.s. i know someone who belive it or not has never heard of half-life and he is in a c.s. clan, if i was u i'd check out 4kings and other such clans before u knock it, these boys have made a living playing c.s. what about you?
Living out of game, thx but no thx. I better to make my living from making games. These guys sit all day long, playing CS, training, to win $50k that they will split? Pathetic if you ask me...
well both is better than doing a normal boring job, hell i'd love to get paid for doing what i love
You won't make any good money to support yourself and your family (if you will have one) playing CS all day long. You also will be blind, have nerves brake downs every week and yellow teeth.
damn >_< theres always a flaw in every evil plan... curses, foild again!
CS wasn't targetted at the masses. Not until it became version 1.0. So if they make CS2 targetted at the masses, then something as "new" as CS was, will come out for HL2.
Originally posted by Bilko
Ok forget the usual CS crap, think about this:

To set the scene: Terrorists seize control of a bank and the CT's are called in, the CT's arrive via SWAT van and have a number of way to attack the bank. Every single building on the block sized map is enterable and the banks windows are covered by blinds that can be opened or closed by the terrorists.

Now heres what could be possible:

The terrorists tip over tables and desks to take cover behind while the CT's move into position, two snipers take overwatch position and aim at the windows. A lone CTer buys some det charges (not C4) and pants them on the window. The rest of the CT's line up near the window waiting for the go code (From some kind of commander?), The code is given and the det charge on the window is detonated, glass flys everywhere and in roll some smoke grenades, and a few flash bangs. The CT's move in and kill one terrorist, then another T and another. There is one T left he is in the back room. The CT's place another charge and get ready to blow open the door. The terrorist shoots through the wall killing most of the CT's.

See how different the new CS could be if they made it like that? I would want to see some proper terrorist targets, no more dust maps please :D

Great idea. You could also include some more scenarios other than bomb hostage and VIP. Possibly document retrieval. Anyone got any other ideas? Also vehicles could play a bigger role. Maybe insertion by helicoptor. But make it so the T's cant reach the chopper otherwise, well, you know
Ive always wanted to be dropped from a chopper in a multiplayer FPS....and games that do that already ? (multiplayer remember:D)
aint CZ gonna be still based on hl1 engine ? if so its gonna suck and die really fast...causs some1 will make a cs like mod for hl2 in no time
Originally posted by simmo2k3
Ive always wanted to be dropped from a chopper in a multiplayer FPS....and games that do that already ? (multiplayer remember:D)

Black Hawk Down.. not shure you get dropped in MP but in SP you do :)
I thought CS really lacked actual terrorist scenarios (sp?), maps could be made much longer, maybe some kind of police chase or something would be cool?

I'm getting too ambitious now arn't I? :D
Originally posted by simmo2k3
Ive always wanted to be dropped from a chopper in a multiplayer FPS....and games that do that already ? (multiplayer remember:D)

ps_coldwar :P
Originally posted by bonanzaguy
*votes for |MaTT| to be banned*



If anyone needs to get banned, it's those idiots who start the "will my system run hl2" threads.
*votes for someone to finally get it into their heads what matt said*

although we might see an CS-ish mod coming out before the official CS2...

but it will not be CS2 and CS2 will not be a mod but a standalon retail game...
yeah jager, you're right. we need to get ourselves some admin mod up in here and start some vote kicks ;D

Just getting my point across that CS2 will be a packaged product that you have to pay for in the shops... simple as that. It makes no business sense for valve to release a sequel to a game they know own. valve will milk the CS cash cow for all its worth...

yeah i know. you had a good point but the giant flaming red text annoyed me and makes you look like an idiot