CS mod!

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I agree though that CS:Cz will totally drop in the background now that HL2 and the Source-engine has been announced...bad move to make a game based on such an old engine even if it's modified...

Ritual is developing the Cs:cz...who's publishing it?
is Valve even in the picture except of it using the HL1 engine?
Originally posted by bonanzaguy
yeah i know. you had a good point but the giant flaming red text annoyed me and makes you look like an idiot

:) Literally half my post count has been used up re-iterating my point. I am getting fed up with repeating myself. :dozey: ;(
Ok I was writing a fat-ass post about the whole subject but the forums died so let this one suffice.

1. the post with huge red letters was deleted, don't spam like that k thx bye etc
2. Gooseman is working on CS2 and has been doing so for more than a year. CS2 uses the HL2 engine.
3. The fact that Valve is quiet about the HL multiplayer shows that they have something special cooking for it. TF2 has been said time and time again to be stand-alone and they probably wouldn't want their 20 men crew to have worked on a free mod. CS2 is probably the mod they would include as (part of) the multiplayer for HL2. Gooseman has been the only person working on it as far as we know (he prefers to work alone too, apparently) so at least they had relatively low production costs which would justify it being a free mod.
4. I don't think Valve is only into it for the money, even if HL2 wouldn't sell more than HL2 and CS2 separately (some people might only buy HL2 or CS2 if CS2 was included in HL2 for example). They might feel that they would get a larger portion of the CS community over to HL2 if they would include CS2 as a free mod. The reasons why they would want to haul the CS community over to HL2 is many, but perhaps they feel like the HL2 platform is much more capable of sustaining a community by delivering bugfixes and cheat prevention in a quicker and better way. The community probably would live a lot longer if it was transfered to the HL2 platform, and as long as Valve keeps all the players in the CS community within their line of games they would ensure a longer dominance of the multiplayer market.

So, don't be so sure your opinion is the only one that is valid |Matt|, and please don't spam like it. ;)
If CS2 comes out as a free mod I will eat my Purple pimp hat with a feather in. :afro: