CS:S engine


Nov 27, 2003
Reaction score
I thought I would keep this post until a few months had past after CD:S got released - as to get flammed less.
But CS:S really reminded me of MaxPayne 2 in many ways.
Take the first level of Max Payne 2, the one in the hospital.
Keyboards that when shot produce keys - 'coke' machines that when used produce cans that you can shoot... the bins even look the same. :)
It's not quite as sophisticated in some areas as the HL 2 engine. (or better as CS:S) but it's very close and extreemely impressive. It's physics are nigh on identical. Then considering that Max Payne 2 is now almost exactly a year old... it almost dampens the hype over HL 2 egine for me a bit.
On the other hand I have'nt played HL 2 yet (duh) so I can't really compare atm.
But I defenately will, in 15 days, 8 hours, 2 minutes, and 7 seconds from now :)
Well makes sense to me since it's a modified version of Max Payne 2's physics engine...
Cyb3rac1d said:
Well makes sense to me since it's a modified version of Max Payne 2's physics engine...
Wow, never knew that... you know the name of the engine?
Havok 2 heavily modified however, closer to havok 3 i believe, but not number 3. It's supposidly better. And the drinks machine thing, did you play the original halflife? they were in there then, which was before both max paynes.
Hectic Glenn said:
Havok 2 heavily modified however, closer to havok 3 i believe, but not number 3. It's supposidly better. And the drinks machine thing, did you play the original halflife? they were in there then, which was before both max paynes.

Actually, it's a modified Havok, not Havok 2.
also remember that the CS:S physics engine is dumbed down compared to the HL2 version to save bandwidth and server lag.. so it has Max Payne 2 like physics.. but HL2's physics are much more advanced.
ya max payne 2 is so hardcore... i am actually going to reinstall that game, i love it..

so will hl2 demand more specs then source being that it will have more gfx, stuff in it>?, will there be a demo?
HL2 has the same specs as CS:S I think. CS:S could have been implemented with more stuff, but it lags everybody down when all the information has to travel through the Internet when you play it.

I don't think HL2 will be a lot heavier on the rig than CS:S, since it's client side only.
CS:S uses the same engine as HL2... Source.
It's slightly tweaked.