CS: S invite... who what's it?

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Apr 27, 2005
Reaction score
I got one cs:s trial invite, will trade for something (virtual). Anything goes:sniper:
its going to expire in a day or so. do you honestly think that someone will trade for that ?
If I could get about a 120 of these I wouldn't need to pay for counter strike for a year.
I'll just have to play for 300 hours on that day
according to the faq yeah..
" Will my guest passes expire if I don't give them out quickly enough?

Guest passes have a one-month lifespan from the time they are granted to you. If you have not given out your guest passes after one month they will expire. "

but i read that the cs:s one was only for 3 days.i guess they meant any three days of the month.
so nobody wants it then? exp. date is may 8. anybody?
I would imagine that pretty much everyone here already has it if they wanted it.
They expire after a month if you dont accept it once you've got sent it.
im not even looking for a trade, just giving it away, but i guess i will go to the other forums since all of us already got that crappy game (dod fan)
You can trade it for 3 infraction points. Kerching! Yeah....no one wants it here.
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