CS:S is very optimized (700mhz)


Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
This thing works on a 700Mhz computer with a 9600XT. :farmer:

Pentium 3 700Mhz
Rosewill 9600XT 128MB (525Mhz/325Mhz)
Windows XP Pro SP2


Model: Medium
Textures: Medium
Shadows: High

My brother gets, while playing: 20-30fps.
lol that is pretty good. the only thing lettin u down is the 700mhz. if ur mobo would take higher i would suggest a new processor! they well cheap on www.ebuyer.com
Headwires said:
lol that is pretty good. the only thing lettin u down is the 700mhz. if ur mobo would take higher i would suggest a new processor! they well cheap on www.ebuyer.com

I'm trying it overclocked to 924Mhz. :thumbs:
damn lol, once i free up enough space im gonna dl cs:s and see if itll run on my pii :p on all the lowest settings ofcourse...

my specs are:
pii 350mhz
128mb pc100 sdram
6.5gb hd
radeon 9200 128mb (no hope for bump mapping :( )
Here's an update:

OC'd to 924Mhz
Video card OC: 594Mhz/340Mhz

I get 37.50 fps in the Visual Stress Test, and it fluctuates between 50 and 20 fps on multiplayer (much better than 30 and 15).

This thing can play UT2004 and Morrowind (thats amazing) without a hitch. :farmer:
Holy crap, you people make me feel so fortunate that this is my first pc!
make ur decal limit like 50-100 and ur frames will bounce up easily 10-20 higher.
Nah, we're gonna delete it. It slows to about 10fps when there's a firefight...all settings on LOW, AA off, AF on 8x Performance.


He can play CS and CZ. You'd think a 9600XT would be better EVEN on a crappy computer.
it kinda intresting that my computer;
p4 2.4
512 ram (single-channel pretty slow...)
sb live 5.1 (i love surround sound)
Radeon 9100 128meg

can run css all on high (aa is off and filtering is triliner) with 30fps becasue my card is a genration behind the 9200 and yes i can see most of these eyecandys reflections, bump mapping (and normal mapping), masked spectaculer texures
it all sweet
maybe with some tweaks i can get 60fps (well im shooting for that...)
AMD 64bit 3200+
PC2700 512mb
Radeon 9800 XT

I get about 260 FPS with everything high, besides no shadows and no AF.
512megs of ram
Ati Radeon 9600XT
Everything high onsept AA or AF
get around 30-40. Never seems to go down below 30 even in firefights.
My specs are....

P4 2.0 Ghz
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128 mb
1 GB of PC2700 Ram

With all settings high, 2X AA and Trilinear Filter settings if get an FPS of like 20-50, maybe 60....

It seems like i could be getting better FPS or am i mistaken, can someone help me with my settings to get the best marks and still look good?

Oh and Subkamran i tryed that setting guide in ur sig and i got worse FPS...
with my new 1337ed out computer (more than a gig of ram, 9600xt and a 2.3ghz p4) i can play with all settings highest and get average 40-30 fps

but in the end its so much nicer to play with medium settings and everything scaled back to get that extra few frames in a sharp turn