Cs:s Low Fps!!!



Hi there everyone!

I have purchased HL2 and CS:S now.. I played a few hours and I found out that i had to low fps to go on..

I had like 20-70 fps in de_Aztec.. I wonder how can i get a constant fps minimum 60 fps..

My specs are:
AMD XP +2000 1666 mhz
512 DDR 266mhz
100 GB HDD
GeForce4 Ti4800 SE 64 DDR

Now i wonder, is there any method to get better fps not turning down graphics, or do i need to upgrade my comp a bit?

Any ideas? Everyones openion please!

i get an average of 35 fps with the following spec!

3000+ amd 64
1 gig ram
x800 pro

Are u guys serious?? CPU??? AMD XP 2000+ should be enough for this game. I think i need to upgrade memory or graphics card.. Someone who knows any card that gives over 80 fps constant??

no its the CPU allready.. i have it to.. and my radeon 9600XT 256mb should be easy to handle it.. the CPU just can't keep up with all the high quallity texture rendering :)
but i'm thinking about getting a Celeron 2.8 Ghz. clocked at 2.8 Ghz
Well, thats a affirmative on the fps part. The Cpu has nothing to do with fps if you have a 2.6-3.0ghz processor. Have checked this up on my network here at home and the fps was about the same (a P4-2.66HT and a P4-3.0ghz, both with 1024RAM and ATiRadeon9800XT). Even at lowest graphical settings the fps was EXACTLY thesame. We (my brother) ran a test where he hade full graphical settings and I had the lowest graphical settings and compared the fps which was exactly thesame. So dont worry folks, its nothing wrong with your computers, its the game which probably needs and will be updated several times. It will probably be better in time.

A note to this message that the CS:source (note:NOT HL2, havent played that one yet:p) is not that EXTREMLEY beautiful either. Games like FarCry (hellofafun in MP) and D3 is by my standards more graphically pleasing.
I've got:

AMD XP 2500
Abit AN7
1gig OCZ PC3200
Radeon 9800 Pro
Creative Audigy Gamer

Running at 1280x960 with a 9600 Pro I got about 41fps. I upgraded last night to the 9800 Pro and got an average of 67fps. The guy talking about how it's the CPU is wrong wrong wrong. Most of the weird FPS people are getting is because the game is still new and buggy. Wait for an update. Maybe try to tweak your BIOS settings or overclock your cpu.

Although, I did find that enabling these settings in the console gave me a 5-6fps boost with no loss in IQ.

r_mmx 1
r_sse 1
r_3dnow 1

Give it a try.
deftune said:
Well, thats a affirmative on the fps part. The Cpu has nothing to do with fps if you have a 2.6-3.0ghz processor. Have checked this up on my network here at home and the fps was about the same (a P4-2.66HT and a P4-3.0ghz, both with 1024RAM and ATiRadeon9800XT). Even at lowest graphical settings the fps was EXACTLY thesame. We (my brother) ran a test where he hade full graphical settings and I had the lowest graphical settings and compared the fps which was exactly thesame. So dont worry folks, its nothing wrong with your computers, its the game which probably needs and will be updated several times. It will probably be better in time.

A note to this message that the CS:source (note:NOT HL2, havent played that one yet:p) is not that EXTREMLEY beautiful either. Games like FarCry (hellofafun in MP) and D3 is by my standards more graphically pleasing.

Thank god... I was a little pissed off that I was getting like 20-30 fps on Dust... Lets hope those updates come soon.
Its not the CPU, I'm running an 9800 pro on an Athlon 1400!!! and get 52 fps in the stress test, with max eveything incl 2 AA, 4 AF, 1024 res.

Theres just some weird things going on with some of the maps - in Aztec theres a few shiny patches on the ground which bring down the fps from 50 to 20 just by looking directly down at them yet the water effects run smooth. Very odd.
AMD Athlon 2800+
512 PC3200
ATI Radeon 9600 Pro AiW

Average of 81 FPS in the Stress Test.
First of all posting how many frames per second you get without posting what res/details you're running at is WORTHLESS.

Second of all I'm not sure why everybody feels they need a constant 80 FPS.

Third of all Source is pretty damn well optimized as far as graphics rendering. It runs quite well on a range of hardware. Don't expect very many, if any at all, game patches that will improve performance. At least not by the margain you are expecting.

Fourth of all, there is no magical way to get a big boost in performance other than turning down your res and details. Newer drivers help sometimes, but only by a few percentage points.

Expecting a CONSTANT MINIMUM of 60 fps, at least at any decent resolution/quality, is asking for an entire new computer upgrade. There are people with 6800's and X800's that dip below this.

Go get a new video card. The GeForce 4 series is getting old. Especially an SE card with 64 megs of RAM that was targetted at the budget market back then. If you're short on cash, get a Radeon 9800 Pro or similar. Anything higher than that and you will be limited by your CPU.
They can only optimize so much.

You're expecting constant 60fps with an aging card on a new game...
mutt said:
i get an average of 35 fps with the following spec!

3000+ amd 64
1 gig ram
x800 pro

i get this with the default settings,

i get a nice 30 fps when lookin at some walls, some maps seem worse than others.
i get 45+ fps on my system (read blue spec down there)...no problems at all... lowest it ever drops is 30... water is on reflect world and everything else on HIgh. and my comp isnt the wonderboy exactly...
Well tbh similar problems:

X800 PRO
@ 1280x1024
all maxed 16xAF 8xAA everythign on high no v sync

30-60 on dust 2, mabye i'me being to greedy... sure it should cope better than that. o and wen u look at grass at T spawn on azzy wen u gouing round corner, it utterly freaks

P4 1.6, 9600 Pro, 640 mb ram. I don't feel like this is a cpu problem. This engine seems to need optimizing as the minimum cpu requirements are much lower than some other games like Painkiller, and Far Cry which ran better than this and have a higher cpu requirement. Valve should comment on this.
-h2o- said:
Well tbh similar problems:

X800 PRO
@ 1280x1024
all maxed 16xAF 8xAA everythign on high no v sync

30-60 on dust 2, mabye i'me being to greedy... sure it should cope better than that. o and wen u look at grass at T spawn on azzy wen u gouing round corner, it utterly freaks


i have the same setup and settings, just a 3000+ 64 not a 3200+ and i get the same kind of fps, i think its shite, i get 30fps lookin at a wall. to me thats just crap, not greedy :(

i hope they have a fix in the works, and u cant even return it/gett your money back via steam
What is the console command for showing your FPS?
mutt said:
i get an average of 35 fps with the following spec!

3000+ amd 64
1 gig ram
x800 pro


Well i have pretty much damm same specs

3200+ AMD 64
X800 PRO

recommended settings of:
1280x1024 - native resolution
8x AF
All textures maxed acceptions from reflection which is on 'medium'
V sync Off

Hummmmm, sure i should be getting better.... mabye i'me being greedy, however i heard that it might be a slowdown with direct x. lets hop there will be a fix. i think there might
P4 3.0
XFX 6800 ultra
1gb corsair ram
Windows Xp sp2

stress test 70 fps :(
Average in-game Fps depends on the map but ussually 30 to a 70 fps max :frown:

Also tried my gfx card on another system that was getting 50 100 fps with a geforce4 ti, but it went down to 25 70 fps with my card

Tried diferent drivers & diferent monitors (with diferent Hz) but no cigar !

Think Its safe to say this is a Issue with source and some gfx cards

And yes im very pissed ! :/