CS:S not working anymore



This problem arrised back before christmas break. One day I was playing CS:S and the gamma was really bright, even though I had played the day before and it was fine. When I tried to change my video settings it got completely screwed up and I can't see anything. I know it's still running the game because I can hear the sounds, and when I take a screenshot it shows what should be there, but all I see is a white and black grainy screen. I had to photoshop what it looks like since when I take screenshots it shows what's supposed to be there. I'm assuming it my hardware that can't keep up, but it ran alright before. any suggestions?

-also my HL2 DM still works fine.

The main menu:


What I see:
anyone, anyone? I tried new drivers, reinstalling, still get the same thing.
is the options screen bright 2 or is it only ingame? try changing ur graphics settings...
have u updated ur graphics card drivers after xmas?
thats awesome !!! so scary, i think you've got ghosts mate, reinstall, new drivers ?

if not you tried reporting to valve ?
I tried reinstalling and new drivers this weekend, but it didn't help. I tried changing all the graphics settings for my card, because I can't actually change the settings in-game because I can't see anything. I'm pretty sure it's my memory that can't keep up, here's my specs:

Pentium 4: 2.26GHz
256mb RAM
Radeon 9800pro 128mb
I found out what the problem is. I tried to change the resolution to 700x something, the step above 640x480. Apparently My monitor can't display that, stupid me, so that's why it goes all white like that. I found out because I tried changing my HL2DM resolution, and now that dosn't show up either. Is there any way to set the resolution in the autorun.exe or the cfg? I tried checking the run in 640x480 in the properties of the game, but that didn't work. I already tried reinstalling everything but it didn't change the resolution settings.