CS:S Stress Test, accurate rep of HL2's gfx?

Triggerhappy41 said:
texture wise, D3 beats HL2. it uses immense amounts of video ram to store extremely detailed textures. Dont get me wrong, HL2 textures look good, just not quite as good. HL2 still wins in the end either way cuz D3 is boring and repetitive. Hl2 has better water effects tho, and it looks like the use of shaders is better.

When I say textures, I mean the ones used to paint the surfaces. I believe the detail you're referring to is from the normal mapping. Because just about everything has bump/normal and specular mapping, D3 uses lower res surfaces textures than the hardware is capable of.
lans said:
2000 shaders...

I don't think so. I mean it could be using around 13 or 14, but 2000 - that's just riddiculous. :|

Doom 3 just used one master shader to do the heat wave effect.

I'm pretty sure it was around that number, i'll go check
I don’t know how you can put Doom 3’s graphics on the same level of HL2. Other than detailed characters, Doom 3 was quite bland.
In all of the bitching I've seen going on in this thread....the one thing I’ve seen left undressed is that Doom 3 looked like shit and ran like shit on nearly every graphics card. I've seen it running on anything from the best GeForce 4 card to a variety of Nvidia and ATI DX9 cards...an in all cases you had to set the resolution low and still had frame rate problems...or in some cases...the whole game would freeze and stutter.
phantomdesign said:
I don’t know how you can put Doom 3’s graphics on the same level of HL2. Other than detailed characters, Doom 3 was quite bland.
In all of the bitching I've seen going on in this thread....the one thing I’ve seen left undressed is that Doom 3 looked like shit and ran like shit on nearly every graphics card. I've seen it running on anything from the best GeForce 4 card to a variety of Nvidia and ATI DX9 cards...an in all cases you had to set the resolution low and still had frame rate problems...or in some cases...the whole game would freeze and stutter.

Seriously? You didn't like the game's graphics at ALL?

even with my 9600 pro, (wich i tough would not be big deal) it has amazing graphics!! the water, the walls.. everything looks real!
Doom 3 looked like shit and ran like shit on nearly every graphics card. I've seen it running on anything from the best GeForce 4 card to a variety of Nvidia and ATI DX9 cards...an in all cases you had to set the resolution low and still had frame rate problems...or in some cases...the whole game would freeze and stutter.

Those must be some pretty shitty computers. Even on my basic Geforce 3 I got respectable performance (locked framerate of 30fps, in other words, no stuttering) at 800x600 on Medium details, which looks pretty damn good.