CS:S vids



Why won't the download? When I click on the high. res. video in the news section, it says:

You don't have permission to access /CSS/css_highqual.wmv on this server.

What gives?
You will need to right click and save as. Unless Pi Mu Rho is having a bandwidth problem. I recommend PMing him, I haven't got time right now as I'm at work.
Actually I just tested it, bare with us, we'll have them back up ASAP.
-.- still doesnt work >.< :

The Account has been suspended -->

Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible.
It did work.

Hehe, people keep killing the file due to the traffic. We should hopefully get BlueYonder to host it on their file servers tomorrow.
Well its still not letting me watch it :devil: i tried save target but the link wont let me casue its SUSPENDED or sometihng like that -.-;;