CS: S wall hack

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Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score
ok, this is probably rubbish.. but i was playin online earlier today and some muppet was mouthing off that he was using a "built in" wall hack ?

he rekons it was a command error that is in cs:s that you type in console?

please tell me this guy is talkin utter monkey mooey like his score was?

scully said:
ok, this is probably rubbish.. but i was playin online earlier today and some muppet was mouthing off that he was using a "built in" wall hack ?

he rekons it was a command error that is in cs:s that you type in console?

please tell me this guy is talkin utter monkey mooey like his score was?

did he tell you to hit f10 to enable it?
i have no idea what the command is or how you enable it.. just gets to me that EVEN STILL there are poxy hackers making a mess of a good game
i know what he is talking about, valve removed this before the beta was over, so he is lying.

you used to be able to hit shift + f1 to bring up a debugging thing, and there was something along the lines of a checkbox that said "world" you could click and the walls would disappear. you would have to know the map pretty well though because i tried it out on dust and found myself walking into a lot of walls.
Ive also heard of people doing it in the latest version. Mainly people on the steam forums.
I know what the command is, look out for people looking into walls or boxes ect..
Yea some kind of command lets you view allworld . Valve must of had it while they were building hl2.
l33t h4xx0rz. Actually, someone posted the command 'somewhere' i wont say where. But apparently it still works with this version of CS:S, and they're trying to get alot of people to exploit it, so that Valve sees it and then fixes it. They figure if everyone uses it, it'll be a widespread problem, whereas if only a few people know it, then it'll be a cheating problem in the future.
If any one knows the actual command please dont post it but email it to valve in a bug report. Nothing worse than a good game ruined by cheats. cs:s isnt too bad for cheats so far, just dont want it to become like normal cs.
i was playing counter strike and i seen people lookin throw boxz
I have tried warhack before. The experience was that when I was playing in a normal server, there was a sudden connection problem. Then I jumped to windows and fixed it. After I fixed it, I turned back to CSS and my ping went up to 900 associated with all walls' disappearance.
the console is full of ridiculously dangerous commands. there's one command that lets the admin delete some file that will make the computer unable to boot next time it's turned off.
Really? Damn, I already thought they had too much power when they rebound my keys..
anyway this thread is a little old yeah, so let's not disturb it in its sleep. :)
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