CS:Source bug list


Jan 16, 2004
Reaction score
Here is a list I have compiled that I feel distract from a more perfect CS:Soure. This list isn't complete and I'll update it as soon as I find/remember more.

I have put them in order starting at most important (out of 10) from a gameplay perspective (purely my opinion)

8 - Guns feel as if they shoot a half second after you click the mouse. Not too noticable, but gameplay would be drastically enhanced with perfectly responsive firing (even a half second)
8 - Netcode is still a little bit (though much better than before) unpredictable. For example if you strafe left and right really fast, it will sometimes teleport you as if your ping is 500.
7 - Crosshair needs to behave like pre-CS:S (matter of opinion but I'm sure most would agree).
6 - Slowdown after jumping is no longer necessary, since bunny hopping doesn't work and shooting while in the air is just about useless. Players are already punished enough, gameplay speed shouldnt be affected.
5 - When moving against walls it can be jerky.
5 - Buy menu needs to be re-adjusted to the pre-1.6 way. I still have no idea why it was necessary to change it all around, because I was SO firmly seated into the old menu that I still, to this day, buy the wrong guns sometimes. Also, people have to remember twice as many guns because now CTs and Ts have different key combos to use for some of the same items.
4 - Player needs the option of having the old-school buy menu.
4 - Free fly mode is too fast by default
4 - The tab key automatically gets unbinded every few minutes. I'm not sure about other keys.
4 - When hostages are shot, they have no response.
4 - Sometimes the console says you have taken X damage in 0 hits.
3 - Hostages easily get stuck when a physics object blocks their path. They don't even try to go around to over the object.
3 - Hostages are 50 feet tall and play in the NBA.
3 - When I just closed CS, I clicked Cancel on the map load. A memory could not be read error occured right after.
3 - Bomb explosion still looks like it did on the HL1 engine. I know source could make it look much better, it just seems like nobody got around to changing it.
2 - A direct headshot with most weapons doesn't kill a hostage.
2 - When first joining a server, your ping is displayed high and slowly sinks down to it's 'real' level
2 - Not really a bug, but you can't see your own shadow or water splashes (feet, not bullets)

Does anyone have any to add?
umop said:
8 - Netcode is still a little bit (though much better than before) unpredictable. For example if you strafe left and right really fast, it will sometimes teleport you as if your ping is 500.

If your ping is 500..


wonder how that could happen? 500 is such a low ping!
hitbox are crap.
models with head down look like old geezers that need a stick to walk with
headshots are bit to easy because head seems more on height off torso lol.

dont got any other complaints
im not gonna complain, its only just been released.. if its february, and still they havnt updated, then ill complain..lol :p
To be honest Im resonably pleased with it, on 56k I found 1.6 impossible, it constantly lagged, it muyst have had some awful netcode or whatever it was that affected pings and connections and suchlike, but source I didnt lag once last night even witha 300 ping.

The fast free fly annoys me too, but other than that no problems, othe than I think the models look stupid.
1- The silencer on the maverick should not be displayed on someone's weapon when he/she is not using a silencer. (Same for the pistol)
um the #1 bug im having trouble with is

-when you run behind someone your guy like gitches and jiddery running.

-oh and i dont play CSS anymore cause the jidderness i get when loading a map is unbearable and by the time my RAM loads the game completely then time to change map. :(
"5 - When moving against walls it can be jerky."

that one pisses me off the most by far. That should be at number 1 imo
The hitboxes/netcode does need looking at... Im fed up of unloading 1/2 a clip into someone and doing nothing... im also fed up with people shooting three feet away from me and killing me... Its not right, or fair.

I would like to see (maybe an admin option), after a game finishes i would like a 20 second wait.. so you can say "GG", or well plyed.. Makes the game feel more worth it.. in every other game ive played you have the option of saying "GG" at the end. Also, make it so we cant go through walls in spec mode... I dont like seeing the map layed out as if id just designed the frigging thing... It takes away bit of the atmos of the map... :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Pulling the pin on a frag nade and then switching weapons, will cause a "weapon jam" on the first shot. This happens to everyone, sometimes you prime a nade and see the room is clear so you switch weapons. Now I never click & hold mb1, I click repeatedly instead (helps for recoil control on augs and sigs).

The wall jerkiness thing is annoying as well, throws your crosshair all over the place.
the main one i think needs addressing is the shadows thing.. if it was the other way round (only you could see your own shadow and no one else) this wouldn't be a problem... but on several occasions I have seen somebody hide only to be revealed only by their own shaddow..

there's the bit on the bombsite on de_cbble where most people go to sit.. and you can tell if someone's there by seeing their shadow! if you could see that your own shadow was giving you away you wouldn't sit there.
JamUK said:
the main one i think needs addressing is the shadows thing.. if it was the other way round (only you could see your own shadow and no one else) this wouldn't be a problem... but on several occasions I have seen somebody hide only to be revealed only by their own shaddow..

there's the bit on the bombsite on de_cbble where most people go to sit.. and you can tell if someone's there by seeing their shadow! if you could see that your own shadow was giving you away you wouldn't sit there.

And that would be like in real life right? so i see nothing bad in it.

One bug ive noticed (this is about engine) is that the shadows cast always at the same direction.

umop said:
3 - Hostages are 50 feet tall and play in the NBA.

u know why? cuz First person camera is in ur chest not in ur head...
VeZ said:
umop said:
8 - Netcode is still a little bit (though much better than before) unpredictable. For example if you strafe left and right really fast, it will sometimes teleport you as if your ping is 500.

If your ping is 500..


wonder how that could happen? 500 is such a low ping!

I said "as if your ping is 500", maybe you should actually read it next time. I didn't say my ping is 500. This happens when my ping is 15 on my ISP's server too.

azz0r said:
None of them are bugs.

Sorry, I'll be politically correct and say they are gameplay distractions. Actually a few of them ARE bugs, such as the console saying "received X dmg in 0 hits." A bug is an unintended effect of source code... and I'm sure that wasn't intended.

KoreBolteR said:
send that list to the creators then, see what they say..?

That's why I asked for feedback, so I can add to the list that you guys contribute to and then I send it to Valve...

I added a few that I missed, keep em comin!
Ok so out of that list, the buy menu and the crosshairs are no big deal. I adapted just fine from 1.6 to CS:S
And as for the buy menus, that is the stupidest idea I've ever heard. Now that everyone in the CS community is used to them, you expect people to change it again and have to memorize everything all over again? I'm surprised you haven't adapted to them yet. Its like memorizing a few phone numbers.
Muskrat said:
Ok so out of that list, the buy menu and the crosshairs are no big deal. I adapted just fine from 1.6 to CS:S
And as for the buy menus, that is the stupidest idea I've ever heard. Now that everyone in the CS community is used to them, you expect people to change it again and have to memorize everything all over again? I'm surprised you haven't adapted to them yet. Its like memorizing a few phone numbers.

Adapting from 1.6 is?... well it's the SAME as 1.6 so there is no adapting FROM 1.6. But for people who have been playing longer than that, it's a royal pain. Do you want to memorize half of the list by having the same menus on both T and CT sides, or do you want to get autoswitched and end not know and end up buying some pos you don't want? I'm sure there are a lot of people who would love having the old school menus back.

Also the crosshair is no big deal? It sounds like you havn't played CS for very long, because the crosshair used to expand with recoil and shrink when recoil is died down. It's much more helpful and fun at the same time as well as being one of the first things CS players noticied on the move to the source engine.
There's an option to have moving crosshairs in CS:S... what are you talking about?

And it is most certainly NOT the same as CS 1.6. The fire patterns, strafe speed, and general feel of control are quite different among other things.
I had a really annoying bug today, when i opened the equipment buying menu i could buy stuff but i couldnt close the menu.
it eventually did close when the other team reached the spawn point :sniper:
heh i once gave MYSELF 0 damage with one hit... that damage report in the console neeeds some looking at.
Axeman said:
I had a really annoying bug today, when i opened the equipment buying menu i could buy stuff but i couldnt close the menu.
it eventually did close when the other team reached the spawn point :sniper:

Yea i have had that problem to, i think its some combination of using the numbers to buy but using the mouse to close the menu or something.
Demonmerc said:
There's an option to have moving crosshairs in CS:S... what are you talking about?

And it is most certainly NOT the same as CS 1.6. The fire patterns, strafe speed, and general feel of control are quite different among other things.

These "moving crosshair" that you are talking about is the cl_dynamiccrosshair command. You see, in one of the releases after 1.0, Valve added an option for the crosshair to be "dynamic", that is to say that the crosshair moved according to how the recoil would react at that given time. The crosshair behavior in CS:Source is MUCH different than that of CS on the HL1 engine. The fire "patterns" (you should call it recoil to avoid getting flamed to death) you are talking about are the same. Haven't you read the CS:Source Recoil article on csnation.net? Here let me get you a link since you seem to be so clueless... http://www.csnation.net/articles.php/article_201/

CSNation.net said:
Valve has released all of their data in an Excel spreadsheet (which requires Excel or the free Excel viewer), so everyone can make up their own minds regarding CS: Source.

We love our friends in the competitive community — and I personally think matches and scrims are very exciting games of CS — but sometimes they tend to notice change where there isn't any. Based on the numbers I see in the spreadsheet , I personally believe that any "change" in the CS recoil from 1.6 to Source is so minute that it would be almost impossible to notice it in-game. However, the same numbers point to the AK47 and M4A1 being made more equals in the initial burst of fire.

For good reason, Got Frag talks more about the crosshair than the actual recoil. As Valve has shown above, the recoil is basically unchanged. However, the crosshair's dynamics seemed to have changed a bit since CS 1.6, and these changes are likely the cause of any major perceived recoil changes made to the game.
The crosshair behavior in CS: Source feels much smoother and realistic, and gives me a better feel for when I get the best accuracy than the crosshairs in 1.6. Just my opinion.