

Aug 11, 2005
Reaction score
need help finding a name for my new map. I have dropped cs_cove but like the idea of cs maps i think theyr more realistic than de and fy maps. anyways ive made a start on it very early so far so early tht im not going to show u any pics. but the cts are going to start in a backyard behind a house. they have to go through the house and cross the road where there will be either an office or a warehouse dunno which yet. the hostages will be in the warehouse near where the terrors spawn. It looks good so far and compiles nice an quick. about 20 seconds. it also runs smooth about 130fps on my 6800gt with full gfx. ive only done the ct spawn point so far. will release sum preview shots when ive dun 10% of the level atm im at 5% i wud say. so expect sum shots on friday or tmmrw. Its a night level but with plenty of lights so it dosnt feel small. It kinda has a havana feel but the textures used are mixed between levels. there are no custom mdls atm but i might get 3ds max so we will have to wait and see.
Any suggestions are welcome ;) ;) ;)
I get the feeling you expect me to be surprised that it compiles so quickly and runs so well at that early stage. :/

You could randomly choose the name of a street in your town, or give the office/warehouse a name and name the map after it, or something like that.
You should probably show some pics before you ask for a name, descriptions never usually help with the name. Although, I have a name.. does'nt really have anything to do with your map but how's cs_addiction sound?
better yet you should finish the complete map before u decide on a name
giant384 said:
better yet you should finish the complete map before u decide on a name

giant384 ftw!
I agree waiting till the end can work, just like writing a story or something.
Sounds ok, but 1 thing thats worryin me is that ur gettin 130 fps, when i first did carpark and i was at that stage i was gettin 160fps on full and ive got a ge4 ti 4600 lol. Plus Twin i cant believe uve ditched that map i luved it.
yer but it took half an hour to compile because of the cliffs and the way the light bounced off it . i could not optimize anymore and what i tried did not improve times enuf. but it was pretty kl. Raven i do not expect u to be surprised as i know a good map should always compile fast well usually. I havnt actually made the skybox yet and the main scenery will be placed in that that is why i dont get as goog framerate. also wat res r u running ur comp on jonny. also i find the desktop gfx card settings DO afffect the ingame quality. i have noticed this on a few other games like far cry.also may i point out that there are NOT many lights on carpark as far as i can see. Oh yer i got those kl dust particles to work they rock. just make it look a tad more pro. I am sorry about the delay to post but i had to go stop my parents buying a shity old citroen. lol have to go back to school on monday so will try and do a bit this weekend. Thnks all. and I think I will wate until i have posted a few pics or until its finished to come up with a name.;) ;) ;)PS jonny my map is already more advanced i reckon it definately has a larger play area atm and is all fully decalled. and proped lol
here are sum pics for u they r not very good atm. and they seem to have turned out very dark even though its not like tht in the game. must be my settings on brightness anyway i hope you can pick out sum of the detail from them.

heres the kitchen im doing so far.

thank you for looking.
I have been working on this for a few days now. I am about 10% complete but still need to get the light_enviroment sorted. Im finding it quite hard to get the right atmosphere of nightime but still maintain enuf light to see the details. the main light is ok kinda blue colour but the ambient is proving tricky because if too light then dusnt look like night time but if too dark then you can see the details.
Another problem i am having atm is tht when i attacha decal to a face it puts part of it on the ground as well as having it on the wall. How do u stop this. Also Is it normal when using flashlight that your framerate drops loads. I mean on my 6800gt it gos down to like 20fps
Is the answer just to not enable flashlight LOL. For sum reason my nightvision dusnt work maybee i havnt turned it up enuf but I want lots of hiding places where u can ambush ppl. Ive decided to have the level so the cts start in the yard then there is a hilll on the other sie of the road with alleyways and houses going up. sum of these houses will be acessible. then you get to the office carpark which is going to be terraced and part of the office will be on stilts above the carpark area. This will alow for amazing sniper fights across the whole level. inbetween rooftops.. but also maintain high quality infantry fighting. I am going to make stealth a key part of the level making use of silencers on those weapons of the cts will yeild results when attaking the advantaged terrorists because they start further up the hill.
Watdya reckon to the idea.
Ill post sum pics soon after i have fixed lighting.
sum new pics

This is what i have done so far. The images are darker than they are in the game but in the game they are dark as well if u get my meaning. I think the light_enviroment colour is almost perfect but cud be a bit brighter.maybee i shud change the position of the light_enviroment so its more overhead.




watcha reckon now. any ideas on how to fix the decal which keeps going onto the ground. THNX ppl.;)
here are a few more pics the first one is a better pic of the shop where you can see the entrance more clearly.

This next pic is from where the other side of the level will be giving a good overview of the section ive dun so far.
R u being sarcastic lol.Im making a couple more houses today. might post another couple o pics tmmrw
looks nice twin but the only thing im worried about is ur fps. Uve gt a 6800 and its tht low =S.
nah there np with tht. its the same with dust and tht i think its because flashlight is a dynamic light or sumthing. well on all levels ive plaid flashlighting sumthing makes ramrate drop lots.Im guna make sum more map now b4 i ave to do ma hwk. lol. i cud release it when its half finished so u can get a taste for the atmosphere. not like a full release but one where ppl can post there advice and actuall see the level.
Heh, I was about to say "sorry, dude, but no respectable graffa sticks his dub on the ground!".

If you told us where you're trying to put it, we'd probably get more of an idea why it's going there.
NUH i didnt want them on the ground lol. they are decalled to the walls on either side of the alley its almost like they r reflectiing on the ground. but they look exactly like theve been sprayed on the ground.
resizing screenshots is always a good idea when posting them on forums. just a small tip :)
yer sry bout tht but so much to do cant be arsed with tht atm. lol