cs_assault_source beta screenshots!


Oct 15, 2004
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I have yet to find a good assault remake, one that looks good and is true to the original. The ones that keep true look like crap and the ones that look good have a thousand extra vents and doors and rooms. So this so far is 3 hrs of work. Have not done the inside of the warehouse just yet but it won't take too long. Most of the outside is done, just some more details here and there, crates in certain spots and it's good to go!




will you be able to shoot through those windows on the side of the warehouse?
very very nice, but please, make the freeway more realistic, not a car in the world that can drive that angle (accept maybe a hummer)
I'd give anything to be able to map like that. I have no skill at all. :(
simon said:
very very nice, but please, make the freeway more realistic, not a car in the world that can drive that angle (accept maybe a hummer)

LOL that's actually the original freeway that was used on the original cs betas assault. I decompiled the original and just took the freeway ramp from there, swear to god I didn't take anything else, all else is made from scratch. I guess it does need some toning down lol.

And the window thing, no you can't shoot thru them. Assault is naturally enough unfair to CT's as it is, if youve played the 2005 series youll know that more windows and vents just makes it all the more unfair for CT's, and rarely do you see a game where CT's are owning. I'm trying to stay true to the original, try to even it out because all cs assault maps are very unfair to CTs. The window are not see thru and on the other side will be boarded up by wooden boards. I'm already in the process of making the inside, I say itll be done in about 2-3 days completely. The entire outside of what you see took only 4 hrs.

Youll notice I've tried to make the map more realistic in terms of just believable theme. All the assault remakes, including the original always had these giant walls that were just unexplanable lol, just big brick walls that were just used to cover up the sky. Now these walls have become either buildings, or that wall that the warhouse was against before is now actually a bigger section of the warhouse itself, though not actually enterable. Also the entrance to the warhouse on the streets is actually guarded by a booth with a thing, all this hopefully helps to sell an urban feeling.
You dont really have to make it all EXACTLY the same, eh? Change the freeway for the sake of realism!
whats this, the 20th version of assault? Werent you making like some other maps? I never saw any of them get released, or do you just work on a map and never finish? Im not flaming, just asking because I never see anything finished lol Sorry, and this is just MY opinion so dont take it personally, but I hate assault and there are already WAY too many versions/variations imo.
cs_assault_lith and cs_assault_2005 are the only two that are being run by servers. I'm hoping to get servers to start running this one.
looks good, but try to vary that sindow texture, it repeats very badly
The brown texture on the building is ugly. I suggest replacing it with a concrete or gray texture.
It's damn pretty but I fail to see why there are two (or more?) lights pointed at the warehouse.
Dead-Inside said:
It's damn pretty but I fail to see why there are two (or more?) lights pointed at the warehouse.

Those two little poles i made quickly for the sake of the screenshots, in the finish It's going to be 2 big police spotlights. Ya know how police do that, if theres some hostage situation they always shine those big lights thru the windows, on the inside of the warhouse youll see the light coming thru. the little poles with light thing on top I made quickly for screenshot's purposes.
make you're buildings with a little bit more detail because it looks kinda like cs 1.6. use the source engine!!
I will first leave my comment then flame lol.. jk =P It looks promising. much better then 05 and lith if you ask me. but for the love of god anyone can remake assault! its the most basic very common map made/used! stop remaking it! if you want to prove that you have skills (remaking skills I dont give a damn!) then remake something else then assault! I dont see any remakes of office,prodigy, or a (good) dust!" come on! use some imagination! make osmething original! Its not like you have to have a remake. their arent much limits to hammer so lets see how far we can take them ok?! come on..