cs_estate_jw_b1 :: Remake for CS: Source

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This is the re-make of Cs_Estate from the original Counter Strike. The idea is the same, although from the screen shots you can see that it has been changed slightly. I am hoping that these changes are for the best and that you like what I have done.



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okay most people want replies so:

1. no 3d skybox (sometimes you can get away with this but in your case, you cant)
2. the wires are going to a pole and stopping :|
3. the fountain is nice, use the spike tool a little bit, not all cylinders
4. not to mention the incredibly small size :O

but other than that it looks good :thumbs:
JeanPaul said:
okay most people want replies so:

1. no 3d skybox (sometimes you can get away with this but in your case, you cant)
2. the wires are going to a pole and stopping :|
3. the fountain is nice, use the spike tool a little bit, not all cylinders
4. not to mention the incredibly small size :O

but other than that it looks good :thumbs:

OK, I'm currently reading up on 3D skyboxes. The two wires...I'm thinking of putting lights on them, or i could just delete them. What do you think? Ok, I'll have a go at making the fountain look more pretty.
BUT?!? Small size, I'm not sure I'm with you? The map is much bigger than the origional, what do you mean?

Keep the feedback coming in and you will see a much better 'b2' in a few months time ;)

Thanks guys
i was going to remake estate but i picked cs_seige (im lucky thare) but imo... you can do better... estate was a great cs map... treat it like one and put detail and care into evreything
okay it looks like an fy map but if i am wrong, then post more screens. but if it is too small, add things ;)
the map is too small for source.. id increase the ways to get into the house via the front yard.. the front looks a bit cramped..

Keep workin on it
yeah the bushes in teh old map you could maze through them without much detection. and make sure a sound is created when you open teh fron tdoor, VERY IMPORTANT. Do you have the sewer?
make the front yard much larger and yes, kill the poles and wires. Rich guys have cables underground or to the side.
More detail, skybox. Add decoration to teh house. some crown molding and an upstaris window. Maybe some arching proch.
by big i think he means wider. much wider. you need to be able to sneak around the house without getting soo close.
drop an APC outside for coolness ;)
your house is flat, copmletely flat, the windows arn't even detailed. look around your neighborhood aor some nicer houses around town and look how theirs are. its not flat, trust me.
nice fountain
more bushes

next make a pic of the inside and i will return ;)
Thanks very much for the feedback, you guys are great! :thumbs:

There are four ways into the house:
* Front door
* Sewer/Basement
* Back door
* A ladder to a balcony
Along with them, there are also two more ways out of the house (plus all the windows):
* Balcony
* Back window onto back door portch

Whats crown modeling? There is a sewr (but that needs a lot of work done to it). Ok, the wires n poles are gone.

You realy should goto my mini-website, it has a few more screens and you can download the map to take a look in full 3D :E :

There are also a few things on the 'Bugs' page that I realy do with some help on.
I dont like to say this too often... but imo, it looks like crap.

Needs to be a LOT wider. Needs less junk.

I have NO IDEA why you have green lights in the fountain, they just look WAY out of place. The skybox looks shoddy. And the house is a square. *yawn*

It'd be good if it was 1 PART of a map. And there were about 10 more of these houses around the place, but right now, it's just not good enough for source.

Go back, remove the crap parts, make it wider and longer, and try to make it look nicer. Then come back.

Note: The reason I'm being so harsh, is that it's a remake, and as it stands, the original is better.
Flippage said:
The skybox looks shoddy. And the house is a square. *yawn*
Was a bit harsh. I don't think "remove the crap bits" is of much use to me, lol :P

:dozey: The house is square??? Do you want me to make it round?? Silly person! :laugh:
I don't think 10 more houses would make any sence?
What do you mean by junk? Do you mean the barrels n crates?
The green lights on the fountain are there to light it up...errr... its hard to explain. Have you ever seen a building that is lit up by lights on the front lawn?
this google search might explian better:
fountain night

Im going to increase the size of the garden (mabe), and add a proper 3D skybox.

He was a little harsh on his comment, but you map should not be released anytime soon.. your about 50% done imo.

-You need some work making the map look more like a house that is situated somewhere, not a house in ablue box.

-What he meant by the house being too square is, no house is a box with maybe 6 faces max, especially if its an estate :P... increase the size of your level, maybe add a poolhouse,pool,greenhouse, something than defines this as a "rich" house.. you see where im getting?

-The texturing needs variation, and more of them

-Your front yard is looking still too small

-A mansion wouldnt have a balcony with no railing

-Overall just sit down and take a good look at your map and you'll see what im talking about, it might not e perfection when you release, but everyone in this forum expects the best possible result before you release.

Keep taking constrcutive critisism and posting updated screens.. a good map should take no less than a month to create.

GL :thumbs:
A MONTH!?! oooh, lol. I'v ben working on this since the SDK release. Well, I do have college, work and a girlfreind to keep me busy ;-)

I'll keep going, I'll be posting a new screen of the sewer. I think it looks good, but I would like an opinion from you guys! I'll tell you when its up.
Spose I should have explained better.

Clean up the front yard. If you find a screen of the original estate, you'll see that the hedges were much more... i guess, tall and maze-like.

It's great that you went for the light effect on the fountain - But uh, your map isnt set at night time, and I don't think any corporation or home with a fountain like that, would turn the light on during the day.

The skybox looks like 2 flat colours.

The walls look like you have used the same texture over and over, which I can live with, because I too have a lot of trouble finding textures that I 'LIKE'. - If you are planning on releasing it to people, you might want to fix it up. Unless you are making a surf_ map in which case, go mad :).

Like Genocide said, make the front yard and house much bigger, with more shape. - I know houses are primarily square, but I don't think I'd want to live in a house that was just a plain box. Add rooms sticking out from the sides, or like Genocide said ( again :) ) add a poolhouse or something.

Some screens of the inside of the house might be nice aswell. Just to see the other half of the map.

Keep at it
cool, there's snow in the sewers!

Edit: Just to add something usefull to my comment, if you put that little dust thing, make the particles less opaque and add a spot light, those dust particles appear when there's light so that's why it looks wierd presently.
Ugh, looks horrible. The inside of the house actually looks fullbright. You need to consider lighting a bit more deeply.