CS_IKAALINE, my first map to be finished


May 17, 2004
Reaction score
Here's some pics of my new map, CS_Ikaaline
Let me know if there's something wrong to you :)

Constructive criticism, please :bounce:

BTW, I know my water is a bit screwed, I'll fix it tomorrox :rolleyes:


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looks good :) i like the last screen the best with the divided stairs, nice touch.
Things you can improve:

• lighting - it is very bland at the moment
• texturing - the scale is off. try using a scale of 0.25 as default.
• brushwork - you can ad more detail and some more curves. Make rounded walls, just be creative... how would you design a swimming pool?
• entities - fix water ? also a very rusty waterslide from a playground does not really fit into a swimmingpool.

some tips in general:
if you are trying to create a real-life place, try to imagine what fits into such an area. the blue floating barrels and the slide for example don't fit in
Lighting is truly something that needs work. It has great potential.
The main pool area really could use some redesigning but I was mainly thinking that, when you have those great skylights, why are you not using them to their full potential?
lighting needs some work, yes. The texturing seems a bit bland, besides the scale issue. Just, I dunno, some color or something...? Things also seem a bit square, you might think about making the geometry a bit fancier.

On the whole looks pretty cool. :)
Same as the other poeple above. Maybe try using a combination of light_spot and light enities for your lights, might make them more realistic.
map design looks very interesting, but as said, you need to work on your lighting, and some of the props are a bit out of place. Could be very cool! :) Just keep working on it
Thanks :cheers:

I'll post some new screenshots when I have them
Another thing of advice:

- be very critical at your own work. When you think it is finished, test it and let people/server test it alot. Fix things, improve the performance as much as possible.

Why? players only accept well done maps that have good performance, look good and play very well. If ou want your map to break through to the big audience, make sure the map has a top notch finishing touch. Take your time to perfect it before you release it.
Ever seen glassfloor_kdr? That's how *not* to map. Why the map's spread I don't know, but it sure is one crappy map.
My water:

5 sides nodraw, 1 side water-texture
Entity attached to the water, center, about 60 units above water
Water is not an entity

... and it's still messed up. When I go underwater, it looks normal. I'm getting pretty frustrated :sleep:
what entity is attached? You don't need any entities attached to water for it to work... execpt maybe a env_cubemap, if that's what you meant.

Make sure you're using a proper water material. Some of the 'dev' water textures don't seem to render right, try 'canal' water materials (or one of the other ones used in-game) to test...
Id use a little more texture variation, combined with some lighting contrasts.. doin good so far though.
Nice map, when it will be finished? :) i cant wait.. :bounce:

Eiks täällä muka saa puhuu suomee :P
Onko Ikaalinen noin kuppanen paikka? sammalta kasvaa ja kaikkee :D
Sieni said:
My water:

5 sides nodraw, 1 side water-texture
Entity attached to the water, center, about 60 units above water
Water is not an entity

... and it's still messed up. When I go underwater, it looks normal. I'm getting pretty frustrated :sleep:
dont you need an env_cubemap tied to the water surface? maybe im just stupid, who knows..
lol, Dont think there would be a rusty old slide like that :p
First version to be released is going well, I'm trying to get the bots working first. Expect some pics soon :)
nice idea the pool ! poor hostages must die of heat :P!
i just started mapping so if i could do as well i would be happy !