CS_Milita for Source



Hey everyone, a few months back I started making some models for a new milita for source, I knew valve was gonna make one I would like it to be source, my vision for it. so now that there are some pic(s) out of it, it looks great. though a different style. Im wondering if I should start working on my version once again, I havent worked on it on months being as I dont know hammer VERY well, and the whole map making process for source, though i`ve used unreal's alot. it just presented ALOT of problems here and people telling me certain things couldnt be done and if it WAS done, it would play very bad, here are some pics of My milita so far i`ve modeled, this is in 3dsmax and it looks the same in the engine, the main problems with making this map is I would really like to make it ALL or a good 90% of it in 3dsmax, I can control the objects and detail much better then in hammer. only problem is the col objects, I hear all of them having there own will be hard on memory and very laggy. I really dont know that much so I cant say if it will or not, so these are early test's of the map, but I would just like everyone opinion if I should start this project back up and get this version of milita out there
:sniper: :cheers:

I uploaded 6 jpg's of different renders of what I have so far for the map, (CT area)

I think it would be a complete waste of your time to be honest.
Seeing how valve is near to finishing theirs and it is being made by professional paid mappers, you would be competing with probably the best. If you do decide to continue with this good luck and all the power too you. It is propably not going to get the reaction you want. You should take the time to make your own creation. From my expeirence, I personally have developed a distaste for recreating maps. I think its better to be able to have the creative space to make the map better, then trying to work with something that might not have all that potential in the start (not that militia doesn't).
Thanks for the reply's, I do agree with you with recreating maps, this all started back when valve was just barly considing remaking it, and since it is different, some people would like a high detail version of the orginal, though at this point I think I am going to create something myself here and not a recreation :)