CSS Map: Sevral issues that i need help with



Hi, I have never really completed a playable map in world craft, however i have messed around with it for a long time, recently, with the release of the SDK, i have gotten back into it. I have pretty muched finished the early version of a map i have, however when i compiled and loaded the map, i ran into sevral problems, anything in dark red means an question i no longer require an anwser too.

1. First of all, i wanted the sky landscape texture from havana, so in map properties, i typed sky_havana, however when i loaded the map i got the smearing effect as if i did something wrong. What did i do? Does anyone know of a list of the valid sky names?
-Ok i found the FAQ and fixed this, if anyone wants the havana sky textures, just type hav in the cl_skyname box in map propperties

2. Second, how can i make fences/rails so you can shoot through them? This is just inexperience on my part but i figured i would throw it in.
-On advice from another forum, I deleted the fences i made and used the pre made models for fences and rails, however i had a problem where when i went into the game, and i tried to get close to the new fences/rails i was pushed away almost as if i was a repelling magnet, basiclly i couldnt get up next to any of them without being pushed back. How can i fix this?

3. Probably the biggest problem i had: i put in sevral prop_physics_multiplayer entities into the map, however no more than any of the other CSS maps i have seen. But i ran into the problem of some of the objects dissappearing, however if i shot or tried to walk through the spot where they were, i was blocked as i should be. Almost as if the objects were still there, some times i even saw a faint very translucent image of the entity when i bumped into it (i have a screenshot of this if you dont know what im talking about). How can i fix this problem?
-Again, on advice from another forum i tried making the spheres in the entities really small but that did not work, i still had them disappearing like they were before. I have since tried setting the 'StartFadeDistPixels' from the larger numbers to -1 on all of the problemed entities, i have not compiled it yet so i dont know if this will work though, if you ahve any other suggestions please tell me.

4. I made a few ladders, but when i went into the game, the sides of the box with the ladder texture showed up, but the front (the side where i put the ladder enitity infront of) came out invisible with no texture. How can i fix this? Also, i noticed there are some ladder prefabs in the prop_physics_multiplayer menu, if i used those would this problem go away?

5. I really liked the hanging cirular lights that you see in the new de_prodigy, but when i put them in my map, i of course moved them to the ceiling, however when i ran the map they were all on teh floor like they had fallen down, almost as if i had to attach them somehow? What do i do about this?
-I turned the lights into prop_static from prop_physics_multiplayer, however now they are in a fixed position, i was hoping that they would swing around when shot like the hanging lights in de_prodigy. Anyone know how to do this?

6. when i used the model models/props_canal/generator01.mdl, and went into the game, i could not get very close to the actual entity, almost as it it was pushing me away? Is this just a bad model (i belive in HL2 you never even got close enough for this problem to happen) What can i do about this? This is similar to the fence problem i mentoned above.

7. Another small thing, but where can i find the big blue dumpster entity that you see in teh garage in CS office.

8. Also, how do i get the console to display wpoly? and what are acceptable wpoly counts in source?

9. How what entity do i use to make the premade ladder models function as ladders?

Sorry for being such an uber noober but i really think this map has poential and i would like to get it workign so i could play test it. Anwsers to any of my questions or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
2. Don't make it a physic entity, if it's a fence, make it a prop_static.

3. You have to put the start fade distance to -1 and end fade distance to 0. To get rid of that problem I suggest you to choose the right entity type before you press enter to create the entity, otherwise, if you select a type and change to another the properties can messed up.

4. Hum... well look carefully that the front texture is not the nodraw texture and I think you can leave a gap between the brush and the ladder entity.

5. You'll have to look for ropes tutorials, well, how to attach ropes, models (lights) and use the constrains. I let you look for it and if you have more precice questions you can always ask them, we'll help you.

6. Yea this is similar to the fence problem, double check you are using prop_static.

8. You can use the +showbudget command, it's alot more complete than the old r_speeds 1 command. I also suggest you to put the "-dev" launch command when you start the game, it will give you more feedback on what happens. You can add this command by going into the CS or HL2 properties (right click on the game in the play games pannel). And push the button that says lauch options (I think), and enter: -dev in the textbox.

9. I believe the premade ladder is just a model, i'm not sure of what you mean but if it's what I think, it's only a model of a ladder instead of using a brush so you'd have to use the ladder entity anyway to make it work as a ladder.
For the sexy office container it definently has to be in the props/cs_office cataloge, though what its name might be I do not know. Container or dumpster should be its name though.
where is the edit button on these fourms, can you only deit a post once?

Anyhow, i fixed the problem i was having with stuff disappearing (#3)

As for that pretty much everything else still stands :(

I had the fences as prop static but it was still pushing me away, what i ended up doing is changing something under the collisions tab (from use Vphysics to Use bounding box) and that fixed the problem in all but one case, where i had a piece of broken fence, and basiclly i couldnt step inside the bounding box(makes sense), which was very large since it had to fit the entire crooked piece of fence inside it, however i think i will work around this.

I have looked about 12 tiems for that damned dumpster and each time i come out empty handed? There is no contaner, no Dumpster, all of the trashcans are just trash cans, this is driving me insane, are we even sure its in teh office folder and not one of the HL2 Folders?

Thanks for all of your help and suggesetions, keep it coming!