CSS SCI FI 3: Hardwired Released

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
This huge and impressive mod will be on general release from 11th October, however you can get it on early from PlanetPhillip.com today!
CSS SCI FI 3: Hardwired is a single-player modification for Half-Life 2. Waking up to find himself an augmented clone of Gordon Freeman, the player must fight time-travelling Combine forces and other enemies across 42 unique and replayable missions.
[br]Missions are set in 18 retail and 24 custom Counter-Strike: Source maps, which are installed intact to the player's CS:S game folder. The mod edits the entity data for each map as it is loaded, adding and modifying entities to create a seamless single-player experience. The maps remain unchanged and are fully playable in Counter-Strike: Source. Maps have been contributed by established designers, including Bluestrike, Schuzak and d00ds.com. Combat locations range from a snow-covered country church to a dense pine forest to a sun-baked tropical island.[br]Players enter each map through the mission hub and can choose to play each one at a time or all in 3 linked campaigns. Each mission features a series of goals, such as to rescue hostages or destroy targets, which must be completed to move on to the next map or return to the hub. There are multiple approaches to each goal, and in each map the behaviour and armament of enemies and the distribution of resources are randomly determined within defined parameters. Thus, no two plays are the same, making CSS SCI FI a truly replayable single-player experience.
Download mirrors can be found on PlanetPhillip, who have rated this a must play. Check out some media below. [br]

It is still Phillip's exclusive from what I can see, and the press release does say the 7th, which is very odd. It also said 'Sunday' so I've changed it to the 11th, and hopefully Phillip or the team can clarify.
Sorry for the error. Sunday 11th is when it will be available from other websites.

Sorry, also, thanks for posting the news.
How on earth did this get a "must play"?

The (new) weapon models are terrible, the sights on most of them don't match up properly, ironsights seem to be there for the sake of having them and have little to no effect on weapon accuracy, the AI is God awful (hostages following me would run straight into the enemy. Not just into enemy fire, but litterally try to get a kiss & cuddle of a metrocop), custom maps have missing textures and floating vegetation...

I've only played it for a few hours, but its not endearing its self to me.
I'm gonna go ahead and skip this.
Sorry to hear you are not having a great time. Which custom maps have missing textures and floating veg?
I can't install :( It just says Steam is not installed. Got Steam, obviously, and installed CS:S.

I've had these trouble before. Why does it have to be an installer? It always works when I'm doing it manually.

How does it check for the existence of Steam? I got it at C:\Steam\. If I could only just tell it where it should go.
How on earth did this get a "must play"?

I've only played it for a few hours, but its not endearing its self to me.
Minerva is the only SP HL2 mod that's been worth bothering with as far as I can tell. Are there any others? Black Mesa Source looked promising but it seems to have died along with They Hunger: Lost Souls. I was really excited about the SP mod scene before HL2 came out but it's never really taken off. Apart from Gary's mod & a handful of other bits it's been a bit of a non starter really. If anyone knows any different please let me know because some good SP content would be welcome ;)
Minerva is the only SP HL2 mod that's been worth bothering with as far as I can tell. Are there any others? Black Mesa Source looked promising but it seems to have died along with They Hunger: Lost Souls. I was really excited about the SP mod scene before HL2 came out but it's never really taken off. Apart from Gary's mod & a handful of other bits it's been a bit of a non starter really. If anyone knows any different please let me know because some good SP content would be welcome ;)
Research and Development is the best SP mod I've ever played, it gets my golden star of approval forever more.

I've played through a few of the CSS SCI FI adapter CSS maps so far, and it's been fun playing multiplayer maps in a completely different light. The ideas aren't overly complex but being able to use such a vast array of weapons (and kicking!) is really satisfying. I had to tear myself away from the weapon testing room which is ever so slightly addictive.

Someone complained about the ai above, but I'm not sure how the makers are meant to take the blame for that. Hostages have the 'go there' command like we used with the following rebels in Half-life 2. It's the same feature, just used in a hostage situation in this mod.

Looking forward to playing some of the custom maps which look delicious from press images the team released.
I had to lower the difficulty from Medium to Easy in-game (though in the command they're on pretty hard) because I kept getting pwned on Dust2.

I quite liked what I've played of it so far.
I downloaded and installed it the other night without any problems, but I can't seem to actually get to play anything? I start the game, try out the weapons...then what? I go into the rooms where you choose the CS maps and the campaign maps, but can't select them - I'm obviously missing something really obvious. Can anyone help? TIA
You can choose the individual missions while in the 'hub' by going up / down the staircase I believe. However I went into the room on the left (with the combine door) which opens when you stand near it. You can choose 'campaign 1' etc, you press the button on the combine panel to choose it, then confirm it with the master terminal near the teleporter. This opens up the capsule, which you can then get in...and it loads that map.
Aha, thanks for that - will give it a go this evening. Cheers!
Downloaded the mod about three days ago. Haven't been able to put it down since.

Wish I could keep my gear between levels though. Loved the AK in Italy, but haven't seen it since. Currently on Militia. Really big fan of the adjustments made (ie the improved explosions, ragdoll physics, enemies still shooting as they die).

And the thing that scares me the most. The ragdoll twitches. There was a poison headcrab that had hit me and I killed it. And I was staring at it and every time it moved I shot it. I thought the thing was some sort of god of the headcrabs until I realized it was very dead and just twitching.

Nice work, Phillip.
Not me!


I am just a site that promotes it, Fitzroy_doll is the mod's author and deserves all the credit.
just played a little bit and I'mloving it so far, cant wait to play some more!