CSS weapons to HL2

Valve havn't, and never will release the source code to CSS :S

Maybe if you ask nicely they'll release information such as exact fire rate and damage, but things like recoil patterns are too much risk.
Do you have the cs:s sounds as well.
viper: the question is...why? The HL2 sdk is out,the two games are sold in a bundle and they surely don't think of HL2 that is a lesser work than CS:S
They don't release the Source-Code for CS:S because it's used almost as a sport. Showing the source code would give people advantages in cheat-making, and the exact wall thicknesses that can be shot through, and that's not good for the big CS tournaments.

-Angry Lawyer
I supose that is true but isnt there a way to get the weapons in game? They did for HL1 in a mod where when you accessed the health machine it opened the buy menu. Is it possible to get these weapons in to HL2 by any means?
The person who did it for Half-Life 1 used one hell of a lot of intuition. He guessed/calculated the shot speed of all the guns, and coded through skill alone all of the features CS had.

It's possible to get them into HL2, but not simply by copying source files. It's through coding, lots of coding.

-Angry Lawyer
more than lots of coding,I'd say trial and error if you have no spider senses like that guy...!
You could probably make it a lot easier by building a VGUI that lets you edit the guns parameters at runtime though :)
Nope, I can't code but I understand how programming works.
Gsccc: simple as going to hell,I moved and renamed the files

Viper: would you like to head the HL2 Substance New Experimental Weapons Division? :D
Your not gonna be able to get away with tweaking the HL2 code, some things such as AWP/scout scopes will have to be build totaly from scratch.
I think that "8" in the shotgun cpp sets the pellets number,and those max ranges should mean how wide the shot is. In the SDK there's a qc file for the shotgun with this written:
$origin 0 0 68
could this be the position of the weapon on screen?
xdiesp said:
Gsccc: simple as going to hell,I moved and renamed the files

Viper: would you like to head the HL2 Substance New Experimental Weapons Division? :D
Well could you be a little more specific because when i tried that i replaced the pistol with the usp and i replaced ALL its files and in game all i got was a big ERROR sign blinking in red for a gun. Any idea what i did wrong?
Gsccc: you need to move and rename just the main .mdl file,but then you'll have to edit the txts in \script and (and we are back to this point) the cpps
I put the v_pst_usp.mdl in and renamded it and now it still isnt working, what is it exactly that i have to change in the scripts? Will that let me see it? Perhaps you can send me the files that you changed.
Gsccc: sorry,I forgot! You put the v_pst_usp.mdl in the \hl2\models\weapons\ folder (HL2 standard tree) and renamed it v_pistol.mdl,right? Ok,now search all the models (but the v_ps_usp.mdl you've already used) and textures for the CSS usp and extract them with directories in \hl2\ You'll end up with a new \hl2\materials\ folder and something like \hl2\models\v_models\ etc Now,the game goes searching for the v_pistol.mdl file but finds and use the usp,and the usp goes searching for its phys models,animations and textures and finds them as well. The scripts\weapon_pistol.txt and the weapon_pistol.cpp in the SDK can be changed as you wish to have the USP behave more like the original one: ammo and clip size are easy to find and change,what really hurts is that bullets will still come from the right of the screen (but,in the cpp there should be an option to "mirror" models). If you can compile cpps and do want to try some experiments,please contact me!
xdiesp said:
Gsccc: sorry,I forgot! You put the v_pst_usp.mdl in the \hl2\models\weapons\ folder (HL2 standard tree) and renamed it v_pistol.mdl,right? Ok,now search all the models (but the v_ps_usp.mdl you've already used) and textures for the CSS usp and extract them with directories in \hl2\ You'll end up with a new \hl2\materials\ folder and something like \hl2\models\v_models\ etc Now,the game goes searching for the v_pistol.mdl file but finds and use the usp,and the usp goes searching for its phys models,animations and textures and finds them as well. The scripts\weapon_pistol.txt and the weapon_pistol.cpp in the SDK can be changed as you wish to have the USP behave more like the original one: ammo and clip size are easy to find and change,what really hurts is that bullets will still come from the right of the screen (but,in the cpp there should be an option to "mirror" models). If you can compile cpps and do want to try some experiments,please contact me!
Thanks sooo much man, im going to go try it now!
Hrmmmm it still isnt working, must be dioing something wrong here. Hey ius there any way i could get those files you converted so i can see how its done on screen? That would be great.
Gsccc: sure,PM me if you prefer MSNmessenger,Yahoo or ICQ

btw,in the SDK are contained both the M3 and MP5 cpps: however they are strange,I think they have been chopped of the most interesting parts
does anyone know a mod that adds a completely new weapon to CS:S or HL2?
Garrys mod, only that was kind of seprerate from hl2 but it had new weapons, just different fire properities