CTD due to heat?


Jun 26, 2003
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Okay, I am wondering of any of you think that heat might be the cause of the crash to desktop problem for me.

I got this laptop as a graduation present and I also got a few different games to go with it, one of them being battlefield 2. I installed, updated and everything and I am able to get in game for a while (usually around 20-30 min) before it crashes to the desktop.

I notice that the laptop gets very warm while playing this game. It gets warm on this game only though, I can run half-life 2 or CS:S everything on high @ 1440x900 resolution and it never gets as hot as BF2 does after 20 min. The fan on my laptop is pretty much constantly running while I play the game but I never here it on while doing anything else, including the other games.

I checked the temp of my video card after playing and it was only 43C so my geuss is that the processor is the one getting warm, I also checked to see how much of my processor it uses and found out it uses about 2/3 of it, which seems like a lot.

I have tried turning the settings down and it seemed to allow me to play longer than when I had them all turned up which also leads me to believe that something might just be getting to warm inside there.

Thanks for any input that you guys might have.
I don't think your case of CTD is due to overheating, 43C isn't all that hot and running a videogame will get the laptop hot. If I were to guess I'd say it's likely a driver issue, that's the most common issue with BF2 in general.
It might be an issue with the latest patch.

BTW: 1440x900 what kind of resolution is that? oO
Unfocused said:
It might be an issue with the latest patch.

BTW: 1440x900 what kind of resolution is that? oO

It's a Widescreen resolution
What temperature was the CPU running at when it crashed?
Make sure that the laptop has plenty of ventelation underneath it, like play on a table and not a bed or pillows :)
If you turned down the settings and it lasts longer then i would say it is overheating.
my system is overheating after 2 hours of BF2 and it crashes.

so I opend up the case and put extra fan over the cpu, its so cool now,

not even one crash.

the desktop crash is because of the latest patch its a bug. happens every 5-7 times you launch BF2.
I'm not sure if heating is the problem. I recently had a heating problem and it covered the screen with green artifacts, which got progressively worse. I solved it by opening up the case and putting a house fan next to it. So i don't know...
I'm not sure if heating is the problem. I recently had a heating problem and it covered the screen with green artifacts, which got progressively worse. I solved it by opening up the case and putting a house fan next to it. So, I don't know, but I doubt it's a heating problem. I never had it crash to desktop on me. It just got unplayably green. Edit: What the heck. Why did it douple post? I just clicked Edit...
With you Canadian Gunner it was probably your gfx card overheating. It'll take a lot more heat than the CPU and will artifact most likely before it even thinks of shutting off. A CPU will just CTD if something runs hot enough (around 65-70 degrees).
Be aware that the latest patch has caused CTD that is unrelated to your hardware - it's a coding error on the part of DICE
hang tight
I know that a lot of other people have the crash to desktop problem but from what I read a lot of the time they almost immediatley crash to the desktop. I am able to play for about 30 min. before mine goes out on me. Another thing I might mention is that when I get the first crash after about 30 min. if I try and get back in game then it crashes sooner and sooner every time, maybe it is still hot and just shuts it down quicker?

I dont know, I just want to be able to play the game. One reason they got me this game is so that we could play together online on the same server and work together.

Oh yeah, I just remembered that in the video options I am only able to choose between two different resolutions (800x600 and i think 1024x768) while the copy that we have on our desktop has quite a few different resolution options. Sucks that I cant even select a widescreen resolution, makes the pic a little distorted but I geuss I can live with it.

Oh yeah, I cant exactly open up my laptop to cool it better, and I am playing on a hard table that allows the fan to suck in air pretty good. I also am not able to really find the CPU temp anywhere in the bios either, actually there isnt much in there at all. I know on our desktop we have a program that tells us all of out temps in the taskbar, maybe that might work for me as well.
Here in Canada, I have to keep my CPU hot or I'll crash :(
It's a problem on part of BF2. Since 1.21 Ive been having the same problem even though my card never runs over 55 degrees and my proccesor keeps pretty cool too. Mine just randomly freezes after a few hours or a few rounds. (It seems to be that map switching triggers it)