Currupt downloads plz help



Last 3 days I have spent formating because every download exe and some zips are currupt everytime i download them from all different sites to. Virus scanner picks nothing up so there is no way it seems for me to fix it. I put my Hd in my dads comp and downloaded a few files it worked bring it back to mine and the first file I got worked then the next said currupt and the one that did work is now currupt also lol wtf! I am getting really frusterated dont wanna buy a new comp just got this like 2 months ago.

Any help would be great pllzzzzzzzz

Not sure of the cause...

Do you and your dad share the same internet connection (thus ruleing out any downloading trouble)?
Try copying an exe you have already and see if it gets corrupted.
Have you done a full virus scan recently? If not do one (although the re-formatting should have removed viruses). :)

That's about all i can think of right now.

EDIT: Are you using any downloading software (e.g. GetRight)?
Ya we are on a hub, and ya downloaded bout every virus scanner out there over these past few days nothing has helped. All of them say 100% healthy. Naw not using any downloading programs just normal Internet explorer. Places I have been getting them from are fileplanet, ea games and nvidia so those are pretty trusted.

Have you tryed like SLH said and trying one of the exe files from another computer (one that you know works on the other computer),

ya burned it to cd before switching the HD back to my computer and when i click on it and it starts extracting itself like 85% boom I/O currupted file or whatever it says. REALLY BIG PISS OFF..
i just found a program Pc Doctor onCall and it scanned my comp and found 2 problems shitty thing is it wont fix it unless you order a cd key from them and I dont got a credit card. doesnt tell me what files either this is what it says ill send you a pic.

The description totally seems to relate to my problems.
I have a few thoughts:

1) Are you overclocking?

2) Do a Thorough scandisk run and look for errors.

3) Your HD may be overheating. Place it on top of your case to give it some air, and run it like that.
ya im overclocking but iv tried putting it back and it was the same ill try cooling it sounds like a good idea.

Only thing is those 2 errors that program found dont think cooling it of will help.