I've heard about these 'programs' that can be used to randomly create maps. A mountain here, a house there, etc etc. Has someone ever used one of these? If so, what can you say about the results?
Basicly the way the program works is that the programer makes like 10 diffrent rooms and 5 diffrent hallways. Then the Generator just puts the rooms and halways together in a random order. Its crap.
The Program DOES NOT actualy build houses or rooms, so that you get a diffrent result every time.
It would be cool if someone did the generator the right way, but then there would have to be a lot more programing for the rules in which to do it.
*room must be bigger than X size.
*Walls cannot exeed this length
*Ceillings must be atleast X height
*Door ways can be betwen X and X size