Custom Maps not Working!



I have uploaded all the custom maps I want for my CS:S server into my server ftp "/cstrike/maps" I then added them to "mapcycle.txt" When I turn the server back on and try to switch to the custom map, the server crashes and goes back to the default map. The only map that has worked is de_rats and cs_assault. The strange part about this is that these are the only maps that have the extension of "ztmp" after ".bsp" (for ex : de_rats.bsp.ztmp) Help!
Have same problem.. Maps don't show :(

BTW: Some info about the ztmp file
When a Steam client downloads a resource from a Steam game server (like a .BSD map), the resource is first compressed to save bandwidth. An associated .ZTMP file is stored on the server so the resource won't need to be compressed again the next time a client requests it. If you change the resource you need to delete the associated .ZTMP file so that the next person who downloads is doesn't get the old copy instead of the changed resource file (Steam does not detect changed game resource files and recreate the .ZTMP file automatically.)

Short: It's a zip of your map :)