[Custom Weapons] Im going to kill someone if i can't figure this out...


Nov 10, 2003
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Ok, this is seriously pissing me off....

I have followed several tutorials, and have gotten my animated cylindar of doom to work in game.

NOW, with properly setup wieghted vertices, as well as animations, why does my custom weapon do nothing?

it compiles fine, it reads the animation, the .smd for the animation contains movement, but... its not doing ANYTHING.

im seriously going to throw this toolset away and create a new one soon if this crap doesn't start working...

BTW, rigging for CS:S style mod (as far as rigs go).

PLEASE PLEASE let me know why i am retarding this up...
no one knows the answer, at least i havent found it. Tried the same thing in xsi and it ****s up.
Uhm... does the model work in the sdk-model viewer?
It's probably because something is the QC is probably wrong. Not a compiling error, must something involving the animation. Which is at the bottom. just a theory BTW
here is the qc file
$modelname Weapons/v_bbat/v_bbat03.mdl

// whole body
$body studio "v_bbat03.smd"
$body "hands" "hands_reference.smd"

$cdmaterials models\weapons\v_bbat
$cdmaterials "models\weapons\v_models\hands\"

$surfaceprop "default"

$sequence idle "Idle01" loop fps 30

and no, it doesn't work in model viewer.
what do you mean when you say its not doing anything? Do you mean the animations arnet playing?
Have you got the model ingame?


in model viewer, it is playing the frames, but there is NO animation (i.e. it goes x amount of frames of NOTHING).

and why would i even try to get it in game if it don't play in model viewer? that seems kinda dumb tbh.
Looking at your qc file... there's just one animation, and that's idle. How are other anims going to work if only that one is included? :D
yeah you have to include your other animations in the qc file. do the same as you have for the idle anim but change the name to your anim and write the corret command which corresponds to what it should do.

for instance if i was making a knife model i would write:

$sequence stab "stab01"

and im not sure about this but i think you may need to have something like "ACT_VM_IDLE" 1 in the sequence line to tell the game what is happening. but im not sure on this
well, the idle animation is... not animating either

i.e. the model just sits there static

and yes, there is animation data in the idle animation.