Cutting and merging?

Jan 11, 2005
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I'm trying to figure out how to cut a hole in a box to creat a window/door etc ... also how to merge 2 objects together ... like one room to another ... anyhelp is greatly appreciated
alright thanks bud,

and damn on the larck of merging .. hehe .. In the Max Payne 2 editor I would create maps room by room and than put them together like a puzzle when I was done lol =\
Carve - eurgh. The best way to make a hole is to plan ahead for where it's going to be. Instead of one big rectangle for the wall, use four seperate ones, put together so there's a space for where the hole will be.

-Angry Lawyer
whats wrong with carve....everyone says its so bad but really it does the same thing that you would have to do, with the four walls for a hole thing. I dont think carving is so bad, It can be your friend.
ok, for a simple 4 sided hole, sure. but you get into cylinders and who knows what else, your brush can turn into 10000000 brushlets in a milisecond. bogging down (quite unnecessarily) your framerate. not to mention it works bad with displacement maps and sometimes malfunctions when several things are selected.
Sometimes carving even locks up my computer because it can't seem to digest my carve order so I taught myself not to use it anymore... btw, when I just make a hole out of brushes or by clipping it turns out much nicer.
if ya wanna mrege pretty much the closest thing to that is grouping as far as i know
Carving is horrid practice...theres no replacement for the human brain and how it can think about a problem and fix it effeciently. Even in a single rectangular brush, carving gives you problems with how it cuts it, which might cut it differently than the map creator wants it.

Merging? Grouping, basically, but that's purely an editor feature, it has no effect in-game.