CVG - HL2 submitted for classification. Vivendi consider it finished.

For Pi to have optimism, I take it this is his indirect way of spilling what he knows. I can definately see it happening either today, or sometime within the next week. And holy f'in shit I can't wait. :bounce:
sry but i dont get it is it already gold or very soon or what??
i mean whats a BBFC and god im so confused plz someone explain it would be cool if someone could explain it in German :rolling:
BBFC = British Board of Film Certification. They give out age ratings for films and games etc. in the UK.
Friday would just be the perfect bloody day for Half Life 2 to go gold.
Especially on the 15th. The Ide's Of October! The Ide's of Half Life 2!
MFL said:
Friday would just be the perfect bloody day for Half Life 2 to go gold.
Especially on the 15th. The Ide's Of October! The Ide's of Half Life 2!

The Ide's of my birthday.
Well, like I said, I don't expect it to go gold today. More than likely next week sometime.
Gabe just told me that he wants all of you to go outside... and stay there for a while.
If its true:

[goldmember]Its gold! Its gold! Its gold! Its gold! Its solid gold baby![/goldmember]
Its times like this i wish i wasnt pessimistic by nature... i'll believe it when there is some sort of official announcment :(
i know im being a pessimist.
but the story pretty much repeated that
1)lots of rumors of gold are flying around
2)those rumors are based on unconfirmed information that a 5th rc has been sent off, and more bugs have been squashed.

nothing new, other than a news site saying "yeah there are rampant rumors, here they are ________"

If we had had news of teh 4th RC it would be
"We squashed some bugs in the latest rc. And it's our 4th!"
but there was still a 5th. Who's to say there won't be a 6th.

Ah what the hell, I don't think they'll miss november.

Orange said:
nothing new, other than a news site saying "yeah there are rampant rumors, here they are ________"
From the site, it does seem that there is new 'news' - how credible it is depends on just how pessimistic you are, I guess. For some reason the summary is just the rumor we all know about.
I hope I get my gold goodies the day it is released. Then, I can wear them when playing HL2! Aah, I'm such a fanboy :)
I sure hope
If not ill have to Kill Someone
  • purplsea001
That is surely good news....Does this mean that vivendi is done with HL2??
Originally Posted by Mr-Fusion
"I believe Barbie - Mermaid adventure went though 23 release candidates.
Comments from VUG QA testers ranged from "wtf" to "this game takes the concept of 'suck' to new and exciting areas". It took a while before the QA testers just gave up and decided to ship this festering pile of goat sh*t."

I read this atwork and coffee shot out my nose.
Hold your breath won't go gold until 2005. If I am wrong I will eat this thread.
Ghost Freeman said:
Hold your breath won't go gold until 2005. If I am wrong I will eat this thread.
Isn't it DON'T hold your breath?
Ghost Freeman said:
Hold your breath won't go gold until 2005. If I am wrong I will eat this thread.

Woah.....really? That'd be crazy
Cyb3rac1d said:
Isn't it DON'T hold your breath?

This way a lot of the people who will want HL2 will be unconscious long enough for me to steal their wallets :LOL: :angel:
Ghost Freeman said:
Hold your breath won't go gold until 2005. If I am wrong I will eat this thread.

i would love to see that!!!! hahahahahhaha :LOL:
Shuzer said:
Hl2 Hl2 Hl2~!!~!!~

Sadly, WoW might make it out first, which means I'll brush HL2 aside and leave it at "I'll play it later" :|
come on shuzer, you know youll be all over this game like white on rice.

see if the soccer anouncer said it than you know it's true. :thumbs:

edit: ahh crap I give up I am going back to work.
koopa said:
From the site, it does seem that there is new 'news' - how credible it is depends on just how pessimistic you are, I guess. For some reason the summary is just the rumor we all know about.

It just doesn't seem like new information if everyone has heard it, tossed it around, and talked about it.
Putting an article up on a front page gives it more authority, but there wasn't any new information that gives more credibility to the rumors.

Right now everyone is saying that there's a rumor out there, and it may or may not be true.

Hard to be proved with a stance like that : / oh wells

Edit: and credibility depends on the reliability of the information, not on the opinions or viewpoint of the person reading it. It has to do with the source, not it's audience :D
Ok so how long does it take for them to rate a game? And does VU need to wait for a rating before it can go gold?
Well, if they have to complete the game? BBFC is a bunch of 80y/o pearl and rinsers so that could take weeks.
TyroPyro said:
Ok so how long does it take for them to rate a game? And does VU need to wait for a rating before it can go gold?
for ESRB it takes 1-afew days. they dont play the game just sent a tape of the games content