Cwazy website

US Code Title 4 Section 8 Paragraph (a) The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.

The United States of America has been in a state of Dire Distress since December 12, 2000.
Flying the flag upside down is not our right, it is our duty!
Ikerous said:
That probably isn't something you should announce to people
What's wrong with being a Boy Scout? I mean, I'm an Eagle Scout, and f*cking proud of that fact. Besides, I know more knots than a goddamn sailor.
I was a boy scout for a few years. I got kicked out for eating a brownie, then dumping what was left of her in the river.
Icarusintel said:
What's wrong with being a Boy Scout? I mean, I'm an Eagle Scout, and f*cking proud of that fact. Besides, I know more knots than a goddamn sailor.

I was a boy scout, until my studies overpowered me. Then I transferred to student officers, so that the times didn't collide with my stufying.

Boy scouts ftw.