CWMP: Modeling Tutorial By Ran


May 15, 2003
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Well, Ran has finished his tutorial for the Galil assault rifle he made for Cold War: Melting Point. It is an exxelnt tutorial, and you cna check it out here:

Thank Ran
8 pages of poly-model goodness. Just, please don't use the tutorial to make a gun, and then use it in your mod. thigns will get very sticky for your mod if you insist on doing that.
very nice tutorial, altrough I am not a real big fan of the bolean cutting hole method. I rather cut it manual and arrange it after, instead of cleaning everything up wich makes some parts a bit confusing IMO
and also the bar (that goes against your chest/shoulder) is just some pipes with 2 blocks (not even welded against the pipes), this will animate so bad because you contantly need to watch the smaller pieces that are not welded against the main body. your animator will have a pain animating this imo. only the parts that mve (reload thingies and the ammoclip needs to be a sepperat object, the rest needs to be one model.)
eh, i guess he forgot that in the tutorial. The model he sent me is all welded.
oke.. thats much better. I guess he does that last :)

still dont like boolean
Thats something thats never in any tuts is how to weld. I am wanting to make a Sr-47 but can't find a good tut out there. This is going to be a big help.
You can keep all the little parts together by just attatching them or using the almighty "Group" command... anyway, if an animator doesn't know how to move two things on an inanimate object at the same time (assign all the verts to the same bone) he needs a new job.
So, the only thing actually welding the verts of the tiny details to the body will do is increase the polycount...
Thank you for the great tutorial, heres a shoot of mine about 50% done.


I did something alittle difrent on the front sight and added a sight post and removed the hole in to top. The hole isn't that noticable but a missing sight post would be unless the galil uses that hole as part of sighting in the gun??????
Ok I just have a few small comments on that rifle, its a nice tutorial but that polycount is massive. Its more a highpoly tutorial than a low poly one. You should really be more carefull at where you place your lines, and dont use more than 8 - 10 sides on a cylinder (textures makes it look rounder and smoother) And NEVER! use 18 counts on a tube, thats 18*2 = 36 * 2 = 72 polygons
Never boolean a tube or cylinder, edit your holes dont carve out holes if you dont desperatly need it. Textures does the trick here to.

When modeling a weapon useing the background weapon image you need to visualize what the skin will manipulate for you. What the skin can do with the depth and detail on the weapon. DO NOT MODEL IT!
Doing the model is only 50% of the work done, so be carefull or you might have to remake your whole arsenal.
Anyone got any tutorials that offer alternatives to booleans?

No use to me at the mo (i uninstalled max yesterday - cant stop using the thing, not getting anything done) but a simple guide will help people to not be tempted by the evil that is the boolean tool
Lol, Hiro is working on a tutorial himself.... It'll be on our site when he gets it finished :)