CWMP Renders: MSG-90, CZ 700, FN-P90


May 15, 2003
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Well, Hiro has been on a modeling streak, here are 3 of the models he has finished so far. Look for the others to be on our site when it's ready for the public.


msg 1.jpg

msg 2.jpg

msg 3.jpg
looks oke. I think the hand grip are needs to be more round. also the area under the round part off the ammoclip looks wierd.

i attached a pretty good side view off the weapon


  • fn_tw_p90_r-.jpg
    96.2 KB · Views: 310
wow, aside from the smoothing and the p90, it looks like Hiro's models are perfect ;)

No other comments?
Could you post the poly counts and better renders?
They are all around 2000 tris, the CZ 700 is a little more than the others.

What would you like in the "better" renders? I thought i did a decent job on these.
Nice models,
Only thing i could find at fault is the handles seem a little square on the first 2 guns, if they where rounded more it might look a little better, or a little worse, but it might be worth looking at. The p90 is looking good so far.
That's the way the CZ-700 is.

If you have seen and/or talked with Hiro, you'll find out quickly that handles are his weak point. Thankfully, the players hand will be covering it. :)
Sorry for the confusion, the renders themselves are great, it's just that the models are so far away from the camera and aren't lit very well in some of the pics, maybe just a closer shaded wireframe would be good.
well..... draggin up quite an old thread here..... pretty much ignore everyhting that was mentioned earlier in the thread.... jsut showing a newer render of the MSG-90 that Hiro made.

msg 90.jpg
SidewinderX143 said:
well..... draggin up quite an old thread here..... pretty much ignore everyhting that was mentioned earlier in the thread.... jsut showing a newer render of the MSG-90 that Hiro made.

msg 90.jpg

The box and handle area are extreme boxes. Need to chamfer those edges out about smooth them out into more circular shapes.
i'm not sure what you mean by the "box".... the magazine maybe? That's what the magazine looks like.

There won't be a single instance, other than a modle on the ground, where you'll see the handle. There is absolutly no need to use polies on it.
I believe by "box" he means the magazine receiver, which I'd agree looks like a simple extrusion. IMHO, you could recover the polies to improve the handle by simply mapping the charging slot, receiver indentation, and other small details modeled on the weapon.

The scope and mount is my biggest concern. The mount looks nothing like the one on a MSG90A1, witch contains the backup rear iron site. The scope itself is also wrong, it should be symmetrical (reference photos of the gun create the illusion of an offset).

Since the scope and mount will be staring the player in the face, it’s probably worth the effort to get them accurate.
please bear inmind that this wepaon was made when i was still using only pimitives. I've learned a few tricks since then and the next version should aleviate some fears. As for the handle i refuse to waste poly's on a handle that won't be seen just to make a pimpin render. And i agree the scope and mount are crap but thats what happens when you save it for last :( now i know better. Thanx for the crits guys i'll keep them in mind for the next version i do.