Jun 13, 2003
Reaction score
With SideX on vacation i figured i'd post what i have been working on bear in mind these or still Works in progress and not completed. C&C appreciated

L96- 1700
L85a1-1200- disregard the from shroud as i'm completely redoing it. any advice would be appreciated.



Looks good, but pictures are relly low quality :(
Hehe I was just going to say the same thing.

I have a hard time telling one model ak from another(even after owning one) but it looks pretty damn good. Have you seen these?

I really like those synthic stocks. The VEPR KTR-03 looks really cool, a AK I'd consider owning since I love the AK but HATE the stock sights.

The L96 looks to rock. The bolt can animate? The bipod looks a little weird but maybe it's suppose to be like that I dunno.

BTW I miss yours and Sidewinder's crits on my models, at least post some time and tell me it sucks ;).
the Ak looks alot better, see i told you you'd make an great modeller one day ;)

great work, although on the l85a1 (hehe he named it right tooo) the but of it is as wide as the main body of the weapon
I do not support your mod.

This is my standpoint... delete this post (like all the others) if your a yellow bellied coward and would rather deal with me that way rather then engage in debate.

I agree with DogFacedKilla, you guys are yellow!!

I too have been getting posts, not flaming, deleted because i didnt like what i saw. Censorship is *bad* in any form..
yeah digitalpose sucks. when SideX gets back he'll do some better renders and put them up on our site.

Grey thanks for the link yet again you amaze me. And don't worry i'll give some C&C on your models i've been trolling lately not really posting.

Stone. Thanks for the support. somewhere in my head an old black and white movie is playing and a voice is saying "You like me, you really like me." hehe

thanks to everyone else for commenting i apologize again for the low quality but it hopefully will be remedied as soon as SideX gets back.
They look great to me from what I can see of them. Maybe I'll be able to give some criticizm with some better and higher quality renders.

I do not support your mod. snipped

Why ruin a perfectly good thread by bringing your drama into it? Grow up.
Ahh mindless_moder both of the AKs you guys did are cool.

But Hiro you forgot to answer my question about the bolt being able to animate. I want to know because I'm considering doing a bolt action rifle myself. I might need tips :/.
ohh sorry, yeah the bolt is a seperate object. I make the assemble by using a 8 sided cylinder for the barrel and then inset to make the hollow round chamber extrude it back to where the ejection port begins. then extrude again to where the port ends. then again to the end of the barrel. then i delete the faces for the ejection port and use create polygon to make the new faces.
The bipod needs to be better on the awp. Would look sick then.
as always the last thing i do is the bipod and by then i'm already thinking i'm done so i always botch that part. the problem is that the real bipod for the L96 is way to cylindrical and has so many parts it would be impossible to model accurately.
Well, i'm back. I can't however post better renders for a few reasons.
1) Our site died or soemthing
2)With it, my good e-mail account dissapeared.
3)beacuase of 2, i have now meshs to render.

Looking good hiro.