Cya buddy

Sorry about your pup

Requiesce in Pace

Mine is on the way to doggy heaven too...
Almost 14 years is a pretty darn good run, I have to say. Looks pretty skinny, like my dog was when it got cancer and stopped eating. Was that the case?
That's rough Stern, sorry to hear about that. I had a cat that lived to be 20 in my family, losing her was like losing a family member :(
Losing animals is always hard, especially dogs, as they connect with their owners in such a big way.
Did he (she?) pass on his or her own, or did you put him or her down? That's a drag man... my wife totally lost it when we put our old dog down a few years ago (like I had to kick her out until we were done). When it's time, it's time, but it always sucks.
Almost 14 years is a pretty darn good run, I have to say. Looks pretty skinny, like my dog was when it got cancer and stopped eating. Was that the case?

ya he had cancer for awhile. had a huge tumor removed last year

Adabiviak said:
Did he (she?) pass on his or her own, or did you put him or her down? That's a drag man... my wife totally lost it when we put our old dog down a few years ago (like I had to kick her out until we were done). When it's time, it's time, but it always sucks

had to put him down. he wasnt eating as much, had lost a lot of weight, had hip problems, couldnt stand on his own, had a heart murmur that led to episodes that were similiar to a heart attack etc. he was at death's door a number of times over the last six months but bounced back each time. this time however he was starting to suffer

will miss the little guy, was always at my side and was a good natured dog who wouldnt harm a fly. all the neighbourhood kids loved him despite being an old dog. thanks everyone for your condolences
Do you have any plans to get another dog in the future? Not as a replacement of course...
not at the moment. we'd like to be able to go on vacation without having to worry about who's taking care of the dog. also my wife and I are really busy and away from home most of the day so now isnt a good time to get a puppy. I've had dogs since I was 13 so I'll definately get another dog sooner or later
I think having a pet put down can be a lot more easy, emotionally. Obviously it's abstractly you that caused them to die, but there is a point in an animal's life where you can keep them alive, but you know you can't keep them happy or comfortable. Even though it's shit, I think often it feels like you've done the 'right' thing
agreed but it still feels like you're killing them rather than ending the suffering. death rattle isnt nice to hear
After watching my cat suffer until the end with feline aids, I'd have to agree. We were actually taking him into the vet that day to have him put down, but hey gave out before we went. We wish we'd done it earlier now to spare him that.
agreed but it still feels like you're killing them rather than ending the suffering. death rattle isnt nice to hear
I found it emotionally scarring as a witness. Part of me really thinks I shouldn't have been there for it at all.
my dog was terrified of the vet. I didnt want to witness it but I did it to make him more comfortable. still was scared though which made it worse for me
You won't ever know for sure but you being there would have made a difference. I had a cat which was put down at 17 when I was about the same age. I couldn't bring myself to go with my parents when it happened and I regret that to this day since she was always closest to me. I think you made the right choice to put him to sleep and be there.
thanks, I did it for him as I didnt want to be there and witness his death but I didnt want him to die in the company of strangers either. it's definately the worst part of owning a pet. it wont stop me from getting another dog when the time is right just wish he had had more time
That's rough, Stern, my sympathies. That sort of thing stays with you. Still got a photo in my wallet of my dog who I put down in 2005, the same pic I posted on this forum the following week in fact. At least you know you did your best by him.
you should repost the pic. in fact I need cheering up as I really miss my dog. post your pets peeples
love corgis :) thx

the look on his face as he's getting scratched is priceless
I'd like to speak for all those who are dead inside but still immensely enjoy that Corgi gif.
Sorry, man.. It's always rough losing a good friend like that. I haven't had any dogs, but here the most interesting cat in the world!

cute kitty, i'll post pictures of my pets later... my dog is sadly on his last month or so :\
This here was my favorite pet I've ever had. She was super playful and loved climbing into the strangest of places. She climbed into each of these spots of her of voltion. The first pic she just wiggled between the wall and the bed, in the second pic she jumped up from outside in between the window screen and the outward opening window pane, and in the third pic she climbed into and chilled out in a bush thats right outside our bay window in the living room. Unfortunately, this penchant for climbing got her killed. We found her one day out by the nearby stream moaning, we took her to the vet and they said she was bleeding internally, probably from fall damage. She had to be put down, but she was probably only hours of pain away from death anyways. That was a sad day :(


