
Glenn didn't have a camera on him.

FarrowLeSparrow actually has many photos of me D: As has Zerimski D: D:

-Angry Lawyer
This thread seems to be proving that nobody knows what any internet smileys mean. D: is the extreme of ): like :D is the extreme of :). Mouth gaping/amazement is :O, Mouth gaping/shock is 8O.

And shens didn't invent it.
Wait....wait....there's a reality out here somewhere? :O :shock:
Kamikazie said:
*looks in his D:

ahh! there it is

Wow, i was right! :smoking:

So the D: is...evolving? or being assimilated? :borg:
its in a thong? how can you tell? there's to much fat...D: you bastard got me to look! HELL WILL RISE TO TAKE YOUR SOUL!
well, i guess i can call off hell then...damn it i though i was going to use them this time!
AHAHAHAH! Omg. that cracking me up, that video. I saw the hippo thing as someones avatar on one forum, so decided to put it on here for shock/WTF value... seems it worked.
<.font color="Black">fack</font.> it, D: D: D:

yay i figured it outa!!!:P

but me no swear im good!
but you definitely... DEFINITELY have to have those bug-eyes
Mm'kay... this thread is the answer to all of your problems.
The D: Origin and Description

Believed to have been popularised (somewhere else) by Shens and on hl2.net by imitators, the D: smiley (or 'face') is often used to indicate horror, despair and shock - usually a mix of all three. This effect is achieved both through the shape of the smiley with its huge gaping horrified mouth and tiny eyes but also through the fact that the smiley is inverted, and the reader must turn his head to the right instead of to the conventional left to understand it. The implication is that whatever horror inspired use of the 'D:' smiley is so profound as to have turned their perception of space upside-down.

It is very hard to find a specific or narrowly-defined meaning of the 'D:' smiley, mostly because it is extremely versatile with a wide range of applications. The best way to understand when and when not to use the 'D:' smiley is simply to read examples of different usages, and to divine a general sense of its relevance.

(note: often use of the 'D:' smiley alone is enough to trigger further usage.)

Person: My friend got drunk and vomited on my carpet D:

Person1: I cut my hand making a sandwich!
Person2: D:

Person1: You are going to die in seven days.
Person2: D:

Person1: I just saw the sexiest tree!
Person2: D:

Person1: You guys all sweat while you eat, right?
Person2: D:

Person 1: D:
Person 2: D:

Person 1: Damn you Dan Turk! D:
Person 2: Damn you Dan Turk! D:
Person 3: Damn you Dan Turk! D:
Person n: Damn you Dan Turk! D:
I remember there was that picture of that man (not you, curly-haired bloke up there) making the best D: face ever, but now I can't find it :(
Lokl at this Sulk's post

Lokl - word invented my me and Kami on Xifre last night/early hours of this morning. Means to laugh or 'lol' and agree or 'k' at the same time
Evo said:
Lokl at this Sulk's post

Lokl - word invented my me and Kami on Xifre last night/early hours of this morning. Means to laugh or 'lol' and agree or 'k' at the same time
Surely that would be lolk?
You now how when you say something that isn't remotely funny, and people sort of grunt out of poltieness. Well Lols like that, I hate it.