d00dz, I caan'T believe Valv cut this bit ov T3H game!

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Nov 17, 2004
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OMG WTF D00D, I saw this screenie and I carn't believe Valve took it out! It looks teh Ro><0RZ!


Has anyone else seen any content in previwes that teh Valv has stole from us?!?!?!?!?111111eleven.

If only this game hadn't been rushed!!!!!!!!!!!1!one!
Yeah, it's a real shame. They could've just replaced the City 17-shit with this. Maybe we'll see it in Half-Life 3, can't wait to play these sequences.

I guess it is, but if this isnt some sort of ironic piss-take there will be crowbar bashing ahoy
Omg I Want Teh Orangy Wallz Now Lolololerskates!!!!11!
the point is not that valve cut out stuff from the game - part of any development process. it's that people are disappointed at the AMOUNT of stuff cut from the game.

a valid satire, anyway.
Okay, you're being sarcastic, right? That's just the default color before they do the textures in a level. Oh, and there're about a billion threads out there about this.

Oh, and when I clicked 'quick reply' I was the first post.
Oh, satire, you were being sarcastic. WHEW.
Teh Sarcasm?!?! You mean like from the se><ing? :O

I found another!


I played the first level already and I have never had to fight the man in the orange suit, let alone received the long tongue weapon. Also, this screenshot shows off special saliva shaders that Valve are keeping from us.

DAMN 73|-| VALV!
Mr.Wotsit said:
OMG WTF D00D, I saw this screenie and I carn't believe Valve took it out! It looks teh Ro><0RZ!

Actually, that looks like an early work-in-progress version of a Nova Prospekt level.
Mr.Wotsit said:
OMG WTF D00D, I saw this screenie and I carn't believe Valve took it out! It looks teh Ro><0RZ!


Has anyone else seen any content in previwes that teh Valv has stole from us?!?!?!?!?111111eleven.

If only this game hadn't been rushed!!!!!!!!!!!1!one!

does it actually take u longer to type like that?? surely it'll save you effort if you use real words. i know it would make my life easier if i could read it.
This, is not funny... at all.

Try being more original than the overused "tEh !!11oneone!!1!eleven"

What a waste of thread, so much for sewing.
Here's a funny thing:
They didn't cut it, they repainted it.
Mr.Wotsit said:
OMG WTF D00D, I saw this screenie and I carn't believe Valve took it out! It looks teh Ro><0RZ!


Has anyone else seen any content in previwes that teh Valv has stole from us?!?!?!?!?111111eleven.

If only this game hadn't been rushed!!!!!!!!!!!1!one!

Yeh SERIOSLY! I teh agre wit you! WTf Vlave, you taked ot the beest parrt ov yoor game!!@4

Ok, now I'm serious

That looks like Nova Prospekt to meeee, except orange.
And the design might be kind of different but it looks like the same DAMN LEVEL TO ME

Now non serious:


THOSE ORANG textres ar soo high reslotion! Why isnt tey in any pert of teh game!!@#???
You are mostly idiots, sorry

thi sis part of the game if you read the final hours of hl2 or hl you would know this

the walls are all orange until the texture artists get hold of it they only get hold of it once all the events are scripted PERFECTLY

duh!!! :P
Don't be such a troll.

Your trollness is way too obvious. :dozey:

Go back to Troll School. And don't come back.
Joims said:
You are mostly idiots, sorry

thi sis part of the game if you read the final hours of hl2 or hl you would know this

the walls are all orange until the texture artists get hold of it they only get hold of it once all the events are scripted PERFECTLY

duh!!! :P

Yes that is exactly right :p
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