D3 expansion...the fall of id?


Apr 13, 2004
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Anyone else read about the new "grabber" gun for the Doom 3 expansion? It sounds like a lame version of the HL2 grav gun.

How sad. the guy from id describing it was like " you can pick up barrels and projectiles and things and do some stuff you've never been able to do in a game before. You can even grab an imp's fireball in the air and throw it back!"

ugh. :afro:
Yes, we already have, and not to be an asshole, but this is old.

And it's not made by id, it's made by Nerve software.

So what if they used a gravity gun, it's all good if the game is good.
True but the fact it says 'never been done before' annoys me cos thats just a blatent lie, they know that as well...

btw thing did you used to post on the CS | RU forums? And do some skinning work etc?
benpatient said:
Anyone else read about the new "grabber" gun for the Doom 3 expansion? It sounds like a lame version of the HL2 grav gun.

How sad. the guy from id describing it was like " you can pick up barrels and projectiles and things and do some stuff you've never been able to do in a game before. You can even grab an imp's fireball in the air and throw it back!"

ugh. :afro:

so funny..replace imp with combine elite, and fireball with energy ball...and you have Gathered Mania....or hl2, I can't remember it's name :(
Yeah, I read this a while back as well. Its a little poor in taste but as long as its fun, what does it matter? Besides, the Expansion Pack looks great. :devil:
The grav gun in HL2 isnt origonal either, they just have the physics engine to do what System Shock 2 tried to do years ago...and a few other games were mentioned in one of the other many threads about this.
Hardly. In system shock 2 you had a power that could pull objects towards you (powerups/items that you could pick up and keep in your inventory to use later) and another power that could pull furniture off the wall and throw it around the room, potentially hitting enemies and doing damage.

Not really the same as picking objects up, carrying them in front of you and then throwing them (with great force) at things. Similar, but not the same.
Everything is ripped from Star Wars' Force. END COMMUNICATIONS.
Tresspasser also had a gravity gun which you could do the same thing with.
Can i have a link to where they say It's never been done before? Can't find it anywhere.
Well, HL2 outsells Doom 3 so they decide to bring out an expansion pack with one of the most popular wepaons in HL2. Pretty lame really.
For those who know programing, how much hassle will it be for the developers to allow the gravity gun in the expension of Doom 3, since the original engine had a rather shotty physics stystem to begin with.
They said they already had a gravity gun for doom 3 already but you have to type it in the console and also it dosent have a model.

I also heard that the reason why they put it in is because they said doom 3 has the one of the most adavanced physics in gaming.
I think not, i saw doom 3 physics and it was preety crap.
Yep, I'm trying to think of any physics in teh game and all I can think of it tipping chairs over and that crane.
Well there is already a gravity gun mod out for DOOM 3. I guess that this was the next logical step for them.
I don't think it's fair to say that the physics in Doom 3 are crap. During the game, we hardly got any chance to play around with them!
i heard that you could also knock stuff off the desks and stuff. I never played it, but Doom3's physics and Hl2's physics were both from Havok so they are pretty much the same i thought
Anarkissed said:
I don't think it's fair to say that the physics in Doom 3 are crap. During the game, we hardly got any chance to play around with them!

Yeah, that's why they suck, because there aren't any physics!
The Thing said:

exactly ^_^. Theirs was written in-house so that down the track id Software can distribute the engine as freeware, just like they've done with all their other engines.

just because id Soft didn't apply physics to everything in the game doesn't mean the physics sucks, it was a gameplay choice - and a preformance choice.

People saying its a rip - STFU. ^_^
Bullshit. Thats what doom 3 was and will ever be. It was a disapointment for me. I played doom, first and second, and they are a hell of a lot better. And now the "grabber" crap? Man, they are realy desperate to sell some copies of the game...
Although it would be nice to see a remake of System Shock 2 with the doom 3 engine.
BanalityDUFF said:
exactly ^_^. Theirs was written in-house so that down the track id Software can distribute the engine as freeware, just like they've done with all their other engines.

just because id Soft didn't apply physics to everything in the game doesn't mean the physics sucks, it was a gameplay choice - and a preformance choice.

People saying its a rip - STFU. ^_^


If they don't apply the physics in things on the game, then the physics suck!! Don't you understand??? If you have a Ferrari without wheels, the Ferrari sucks!
actually, when HL2 improved the Grav Gun, many people
copied it into their games and it became a some-kind-of-fashion. Valve should be happy, but only if the other people won't write about the grav gun in their games: "this was never made before!". simple
Everything is copied from someone. Its that simple.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Something like that anyway.
Lanthanide said:
Not really the same as picking objects up, carrying them in front of you and then throwing them (with great force) at things. Similar, but not the same.

Deus Ex. :)

I think the grabber would be a great addition to Doom 3; if it makes the game better, so what?

And where did they say "this has never been done before"? I don't remember reading that anywhere. :|
I think they did say that it hadn't been done, but from what I remember this was annonced before HL2 even went Gold.
Other games that have done it:
Harry Potter 1, 2 & 3
Second Sight
HAlf Life 2
Doom 3
Timesplitters 3

And more...

But if that many games have done it, it must be the logical step forward in gaming rather than a one-off for Half Life 2.
But what game put it to the same extent as HL2?
What game pushes the physics not just with the gravity gun but everything.

Not to many other games have pushed it as far as HL2, and still offer amazing graphics, and amazing everything.
Lanthanide said:
Hardly. In system shock 2 you had a power that could pull objects towards you (powerups/items that you could pick up and keep in your inventory to use later) and another power that could pull furniture off the wall and throw it around the room, potentially hitting enemies and doing damage.

Not really the same as picking objects up, carrying them in front of you and then throwing them (with great force) at things. Similar, but not the same.

Difference being a PHYSICS ENGINE. It couldnt be done then, not the way its done in HL2. They didnt have a way to simulate momentum, force and gravity properly...but it is the EXACT same thing. Aside from the technolgy pushing the pixels, the only difference is having the phys gun model on screen. The idea of manipulating physics in a game is as old as 3-d environments in games. Technology is only now at a point where its possible, if it could have been done in 98, it would have been, and people would have been complaining about how HL2 ripped off some old game instead of D3 ripping off HL2. The idea isnt origional, and certianly isnt unique to HL2.

That said, Valve certianly did something right. It is incredibly well implimented, and its gonna be tough for another company to make thiers different from Valves and still be as much fun. But I imagine we will see all kinds of new fun ways to interact with the "physical" environments in games, now that the simulations are so much more powerfull. Physics engines are the new toys of the industry....it only makes sense that they would give us a way to play with them.
JudgeWorm said:
Tresspasser also had a gravity gun which you could do the same thing with.

er...i played that pile of cack...and i cant remeber anything like a gravity gun. if you mean the character had stupid arms that stuck out like branches on a tree than yes. but other wise no. but in trespassers defence it did have good physics. just a shame the control system was so rubbish.

they were trying to be origional but ended up making the game a nightmare. what with the fact that your gun kept getting knocked out of your hands. picking your gun up again was always the next challenge rather than killing anything
D3 Expansion has a Grav Gun and it's a rip-off? Yes. D3 Expansion has a Grav Gun and iD Software "falls"? Not in a million years. If anything, it'll just strengthen them with the money they generate from Sales.

Was the Quake III Team Arena Expansion a desperate attempt to claw back sales from Unreal Tournament by making up for Q3's total lack of all popular Team based modes? Yes. Did iD Software collapse and die because of that move? Even though the expansion wasn't particuarly successful (Epic probably put out twice the ammount of new content that was in Team Arena for Free with UT's Four Bonus Packs), iD Software are still alive and kicking.

The day iD dies is when they stop making engines for people to make good games with. I wonder sometimes if they won't jack in the whole game-design thing and dedicate themselves to licensing out their tech though...
because they still make more money off sales than they do off licensing.
Now the lot is accusing Doom3 of being a copy of Half-Life2? Well great.

But you know what I think, then every game is a copy. According to myself, any game that has Pistols, Shotguns, SMGs, Machine Guns, Sniper Rifles, & Rocket Launchers, are copies of other games. Yeah. Whatever, good for all of you then.

The Gravity Gun is going to be in alot more games, so if you're going to call the Doom3 expansion a copy of Half-Life2, you might as well just call the other games with GG's copies.
Actually, there's a console command in D3 that lets you pick up physical objects by clicking and dragging them around.
:thumbs: Let's just say Half Life 2 broke barriers with physics in games. May it not be original; the idea of physics or implimenting physics in a game. But, Half Life 2 is probably the first game to have physics done THAT well. So, it should deserve some credit.