d3_breen_01 doesn't exist

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Hi there everyone!
I was wondering if anyone can help me about this. I don't have the map named d3_breen_01 in my hl2 maps directory. And after the last chapter i play the screen goes blank. I open the console and it says that it couldn' find the map d3_breen_01. If anyone can just somehow post a link to download the map ill be glad to finish the game. :cheese: Im burning withe desire to see the end :)
That's kind of weird, dude. Steam should automatically download any missing files.
Before you start the game, right click on Half-Life 2 and click properties and see if it's 100% downloaded.

Also make sure to have it set to always update.
ok wait... It is %100 downloaded but somehow there's no map.

Can i dl it somewhere ?
Validate, I dont remember the link syntax though...
Go to Start>Run and then type steam://validate/220
I think i have a problem with steam... cus it gives an error and shuts itself down when i did that... weird... absolutely weird...
Larsliche said:
I think i have a problem with steam... cus it gives an error and shuts itself down when i did that... weird... absolutely weird...

Did you buy hl2? or do you have the warez version?
I should uninstall steam and everything... then im gonna download it again... puffff it ll take a lot of time... :( i wish i had the map to finish the game then i could erase it all :) then install again.
Oh then... i got you. The problem is that the HL2 didn't come here yet. Well i have the money to buy it. But you know... i couldn't wait to finish it... but surely im gonna buy the game.
okay, we wont support the warez version here, also, via steam, the game is out everywhere- use a credit card and buy it via steam. Locked.
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