Daily Rose!


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
I guess some of you'll think this is a cheesy idea for a thread, but I think it'd be a good way to cheer people up on the forum, we need that in these ages of terror and agony:

If there's any forum/community member that has been extra nice to you or that has done anything special during the day, write his name and a short explanation why he deserves the compliment/rose. :)

The normal forum rules should apply here, no spamming or any random comment, just keep it short and if you want to thank someone for complimenting you or giving you a rose, say that in a PM or a post where you're complimenting someone, perhaps a return-compliment or something along the lines of that.

If you want to know why someone complimented you, ask that in a PM or on IRC or something, we should keep this thread as clean as possible to let it stay alive. :)

You should only give one compliment a day to prevent spamming and to keep it a little special, so to speak.

I'll start with:
Crushenator 500, it was very fun playing opposing force with you and your dragon/chinese art is looking great, rock on! :)
Varg's been very cool to me.
Now I'm part of EoJ, (see siggy)
nobody is nice to me so ill say
CrazyHarij for starting up this thread
Fantastic idea in my opinion. Might help to keep things cheery! :)

Crush invited me to the game of Specialists! :) But I was busy playing Hostile Intent. I will play tomorrow!
i now have one.
Javert for pointing out a spelling mistake in my pms. and puttiong my pm total up to 5(including me response back to him)
theres an awful lot to count, I'm in contact with quite a few of you.

Varg, thanks for bribing my way into EoJ :P
crush, for actually playing TS with me today
qckbeam, shuzer(yes, even shuzer), badger, just for being cool to talk with.
oh, and QCKBEAM OMG for that other thing which I am hesitant to announce publicly! omg <3!

edit: yeah, this might be a bit global, but you know. screw rules
hmm, all of you guys, for being a release from the stress of my daily life. Thanks for pretending to listen and care :)
TheDarkElf for putting up with my crappy kitty pictures :thumbs:
to all the mods now that I think of it, having talked to a few of them I feel their pain.
letters for letting me pwn him in tfc :P even though we were usually on a team. and also for having my favorite avatar ever that one time.
ComradeBadger.. for constantly brightning up my day.. (and giving me a challenge in OP4... stop winning damnit! ;( )

But I can't forget Pendragon! For just being there and putting up with my ramblings :P

*hugs Badger and Pendragon* :D
Hm. think I'll have to give todays rose to ComradeBadger, I've always wanted to give you one.. You're a wonderful person, and i dunno what to say.. it's fun chatting with you, it's very fun playing games with you(I wouldn't have discovered the greatness of op4dm if it wasn't for you), I appreciate you alot, not just as a moderator or someone to play games with, but as a close friend and someone whose positiveness and style spreads onto everyone else in the vicinity. thanks for being here. :)
Why won't you talk to me on msn anymore? ;(
omg, wasnt expecting this :p

thanks to everyone who said me!

hmmm, i give mine to.....


for owning my score in those cz botmatch things we do pretty much everyday :D

you own my score and the bots own yours :thumbs:

iron maiden - the clansman
Today's rose goes to Penny :) for just... being him :E and always being a good friend :D

Oh, and CrazyHarij.. I've been very busy with some things lately, if you want to chat, same goes for anyone, just gimme a buzz on the old MSN :)
FarrowLeSparrow...Because, well....He's me :O

Ok, more seriously. Today, its got to be "The Warhammer bunch". Yes, that probably doesn't work but its fun to finally be able to paly with a group of guys who I know, and the joy of it is, they all seem really friendly, especially when playing. We should play against each other sometime though, just to see how far the friendship goes :)
Farrowlesparrow said:
FarrowLeSparrow...Because, well....He's me :O

Ok, more seriously. Today, its got to be "The Warhammer bunch". Yes, that probably doesn't work but its fun to finally be able to paly with a group of guys who I know, and the joy of it is, they all seem really friendly, especially when playing. We should play against each other sometime though, just to see how far the friendship goes :)

man, you're hitting on everything today ;)
Comradebadger, someone to chat to.. I have no friends you see :'(

:cheers: Badger!
heehee, I understand ...in fact people in the navy understand ...as do convicts, those trapped on deserted islands, playboy photographers, and lonely guys in raincoats that seem to go to parks a little too often :)
They all feel the need to play internet computer games :O Thats amazing...I had no idea.

Playboy photographers?
Keep it on topic, guys! I love this idea, CrazyHarij!

I'd like to make my daily rose go out to SnowBall. He's a great friend who listens to me ramble even though he's like, 1000 miles away and stuff. And he's really hard-working at the mod. Go for him!!
EVIL....just because of his name, which is fun to repeat while walking around and laughing like a pyscopath :)

Erestheux said:
Keep it on topic, guys! I love this idea, CrazyHarij!

I'd like to make my daily rose go out to SnowBall. He's a great friend who listens to me ramble even though he's like, 1000 miles away and stuff. And he's really hard-working at the mod. Go for him!!
It'd be great if the :mad::up: worked here... because I'd use it now. Despite what you may think, the forum I orignated from :mad::up: was a high show of respect. :D
HatRabbit I edited your post for a reaosn, please don't try to change it back if I do it agian.
I was a bit down today and id like to thank crush, farrow, evil and all the rest that i dont know your hl2.net names for :p.
ALICE. She's being really nice and talking with me about many topics and basically whoring herself out. Awesome.