Dam this game sucks!


Jul 20, 2003
Reaction score
Totaly Half Life 2 Fan boy here, amazing game :)

Anyhoo, Vampire, Dam this game is good. Ok, its not perfect but as a game on the whole it rocks!

Couple of dislikes are the fact it takes a couple of shots to kill folk, but thats just RPG gameplay. Wouldn't expect anything else really. Also its not.... as perfect as Half Life 2 in terms of animations, physics, graphics and sound but considering HalfLife2 was built for the engine rather than built on it (if you get what I mean) it's still great.

Overall, great game with a few glitches that anyone with a bit of sense would look past to see a brill-tastic game.

Gets an [AH] Viper 9/10 :)

P.S. The title was ment to say "Rocks" :)
Glad you put the P.S in, I was just about to light up my flamethrower :p

It is a great game, and I've not once got bored with it. Firearms are fun if they are used in the right context. Shoot the undead in the head and it's quicker to kill them that way than using your melee weapons. Use melee against other vamps and supernaturals. Remember that and you'll not go far wrong. ;)
Hehe I'm probably gonna buy it, it's time I bought a new game :)
I got bored of it right from the beginning. Too much talk, crappy combat, boring game. And I looked forward playing this :/
I hope that was sarcasm Hom- oh to hell with it I can't be bothered.

Homer: you've been fairly anti-VTM, do you think it's worth getting? I've seen a lot of differing opinions...

The idea of weak firearms doesn't appeal to me, because, for one, I'd have liked to have seen Arcanum's rifles cause a bit more damage (instead of letting me die at the hands of some farmer hick with a big stick).
And if it isn't, Homer? His comments on there being too much talking and not enough combat make it seem like he was expecting a different type of game. No such thing as too much talking and not enough combat in an RPG as far as I'm concerned.
Whilst I didn;t really like the combat, the characters and acting were excellent overall, at least for a game. That's why I liked it and HL2, although Hl2 does the action about as good as possible...
THe only bad thing about this game is that it has quite a bit of bugs...and that it aint as optimized as HL2...mostly that
everytime i look at this thread i keep thinking you are saying this thread sucks,

but when i open it i remeber that you like the game, this is a misleading thread :(

but glad to hear you like it :thumbs:

question for the dude who posted above me. how bad are the bugs??