Damage Chart - Anyone up for Collaboration?

Dec 12, 2004
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To go with the HL2DM guides, I think we should get together a set of damage tables for each different weapon. It should only take a few days to do, but I need some people to help me with it. What I plan to do is create a server (or find and empty one - ping is not really an issue) and work out how much damage each weapon does. From what I gather there are 2 different damages - head shots and body shots. The trick is to get enough armour to work out just how much a crossbow/magnum HS does. So if there's one person on the server that I shoot at - they can tell me how much health they've got left and the rest follows on from there. It will also be interesting finding the maximum damage that nades and RPGs can do. Is anyone up for this?
Uh, couldn't you save time and effort by looking up the exact values in the sdk in about 10 mins?
Amish: I had a look at your guide, but could only find body damage stats - no suit damage/HS info.
Joule: Looked at that thread and yeah that is similar to what I was looking for
FictiousWill: I don't have the SDK but my mate does - what do I need to look for (vague section)?

If I can get the information from the SDK then there isn't any need for the in game stuff, but if the SDK doesn't clear up everything then we might still have to go to plan A.
Dinkleberry, it tells how much armor absorbs and the damage multiplier of a headshot at the beginning of the weapons chapter. I'll just post the information so you don't have to go through the hassle though.

Headshots deal thrice the damage.
Armor absorbs 80% of the damage.
Amish-Technology said:
Dinkleberry, it tells how much armor absorbs and the damage multiplier of a headshot at the beginning of the weapons chapter. I'll just post the information so you don't have to go through the hassle though.

Headshots deal thrice the damage.
Armor absorbs 80% of the damage.

Hey you made a thorough guide - gg :)
I suggest you do a summary table and post it up in here or in your guide or both.