Damage of 2007


Apr 12, 2006
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Just want to know what damage was cause by new year parties.

I was kicked in the balls 5mins into the New Year by my Ex-girlfriend. In pain I decided to punch the floor. By doing this I dislocated two fingers and fractured my knuckle and the whole one side of my hand is swollen. One glass was also broken.
S'what you get for being a dick to your GFs :P

really, though, that sucks big time.
i didn't do anyfin she's just a bitch and thinks it funny to do random things like hit me in the balls. Must say no1 laughed and no1 was laughing when sum1 had to pop my fingures back in.
I almost got shot by a bunch of drunk assholes. An artillery shell firework ****ed up and blew up near me after it landed. Yeah, great night.
A foot travelling at a high velocity and a pair of testicles is a potent mix.

Looking into the heavens and crying aloud. Why hath the gods cursed you with such a terrible sensation. The crushing of testicular flesh is something few men can endure.

I have nothing at all to say here. I was in sydney viewing explosives being launched from the bridge. A part of me wished for f18 fighter jets to fly over and launch specifically desiged "firework nuclear bombs" at high altitude. Not literally a nuclear bomb, but a firework so powerful yet so stunning it will make us all shiver in awe.

Merry noo year you faghats. hahahahahahha

I came home 50quid lighter. The taxi driver tried to rob me, again!

"these isa five pound note"
"no it is not, it is a ten"
"ah yes, so it is"

Then I went on msn and sent an email I really regret sending.
Pretty much, I managed to insult her boyfriend as well which wasn't very clever.
Pretty much, I managed to insult her boyfriend as well which wasn't very clever.

Well now you're pretty much ****ed. I mean if you run into her and him, he'll have a go at you, and its not like you can just write another email to explain "i was drunk" because you probably meant everything you said, and she's gonna know it.

So....yeah. Pretty much ****ed.
Well the party I was at was trashed in the morning according to some of mates who are still there now lmao

I was mainly laughing all night, because someone managed to let rip a huge fart at the strike of midnight
Went to a college party lastnight, brought my girl and a couple of friends.

I managed to stay sober the entire night!... aside from getting stoned to shit.

Nothing unusual really happened, when it hit midnight... they just launched a bottle-rocket into the air.
There was some dancing going on, and yeah...

It was fun.
i didn't do anyfin she's just a bitch and thinks it funny to do random things like hit me in the balls. Must say no1 laughed and no1 was laughing when sum1 had to pop my fingures back in.

If you'd just decided to "randomly punch her in the face", you'd be looking at a prison term. Gotta love our much vaunted "equality".
If you'd just decided to "randomly punch her in the face", you'd be looking at a prison term. Gotta love our much vaunted "equality".

Hehe, it spills over into regular conversation!

I was ill. So I missed any opportunity I may or may not have had of injuring myself, and am thoroughly pissed off about it :P
The only damage of 2007 I sustained was almost hurling from eating too much:| .
Oh and on a side note almost being blown in half by a bigass firecracker:hmph:
Girlfriend (now ex-gf) pulled another bloke 3 minutes before midnight.
Just gotta love it eh?
I duct taped my pubic hair and spent the next 15 minutes writhing and crying on the floor. And I'm sure my image is going to get some damage when word spreads that I repeatedly showed my testicles to a room full of people.
Atta boy!

Did you show them the Bat Wings or The Brains? The Brains can be hard to pull off. You really got grasp 'em without hurting yourself.
I just sorta opened up my pants zipper and stuffed my balls through, then acted casually until people caught on and averted their eyes. Rested them beside a sleeping guy's face. Considered making physical contact, but deemed it unwise since he's a German paratrooper.
Just a headache today, probably from the cheap spirits combined with losing many games of tic tac toe shots. This despite my assertion that it should practically always end in a draw... damn you Wargames!
I'm awake just about...had 3 hours sleep and feel like hell. My rib cage hurts from several bundles last night. Someone falls over, and it's necessary to jump on top of them, it's bloody stupid. So I want to die from the pain but 07 wahey all the way.
I woke up on a pair of chairs, suprised to see that there were about 30 other people asleep on the floor. Safe.
I had yummy food....it had refried beans so I'mma have the messy pewps later.

My New Years dinner.
I was getting my dick sucked in the first hours of 2007 so this year started out pretty well.
went on a staff do last night and now my stomach feels like its wanting to exit out of my asshole. dunno how i wasn't slaughtered by randomers last night being as i was going up to people and shouting ...OOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo then walking off
I've got that same kind of vacuum.

Hopefully, it didn't have rakurai's dick in it :|
I think New Years was the worst/awesomest night in my life, depends on how you see it. I spent my New Years at some old class mates house with his girlfriend and her friends...and his mom (We needed someone to take care of us... eventhough we're 19-20 years old. Moms ftw).

The day started out at around 15:00 with some vodka shots at my friends house. We had to take the bus out to his house so we thought we would start up alittle early. We also had some beer in the bus while watching the pre-new years fireworks (or whatever you call it). We came to his house and began drinking and eating. This is where everythink goes into a blur for me. I have some blank memories on what really happend that night, but heres a list of things I can remember:

* I nailed one of his "friends". He told me the day after that it was his little sister D: (Shes 16 I think). I think they took a pic of me just when he told me that and you can almost see me doing the D: face. I'll see if I can find it.

* I fell asleep while walking down the stairs. I woke up at the end of the stairs with pain in my leg.

* My friend puked and passed out so we teabaged him (I write "we" since I can't remember if I did it or someone else)

* I dressed up as a soviet general and sang the russian national anthem (his mom told me I sang very well, thank you).

I can't remember more after that. I think everyone passed out at around 5-6 AM. I began sleeping in the basement but later moved up and sleept on the toilett after they woke me up all the time trying to fill me up on more vodka. I also think they threw some beer cans at me because I have these funny round bruises on my side.

Way too much vodka on this party, I won't party for a while now...

I'll might get back to that list after looking at the photos from the party though :P