Damage of 2007

Oh wal k den.

I wanted to know.

Pi, are you implying that Rakurai was drunk and was actually getting his dick sucked by a vacuum?

I made no implication. The inference was entirely yours.
i didn't do anyfin she's just a bitch and thinks it funny to do random things like hit me in the balls. Must say no1 laughed and no1 was laughing when sum1 had to pop my fingures back in.

Hide her Tampons. A man's sack is not a punchbag.
Well, I didn't suffer any obvious injuries, but...

well, we started with a bottle of Wild Turkey. Then moved on to more Turkey. Then a bottle of Absolut. At midnight, we broke out the Bacardi 151. After a while, some chick brought some more random cheap whiskey. Not to mention the fact that we were smoking blunts the entire time.

So yeah, my liver and brain are pretty much shot to hell :p
No damages done this new year, but your punching stories reminds me of mine.

Punching objects is stupid, but its a lot better than people. I have permanent scar tissue on my middle knuckle from hitting my driver side window in anger (GF related). My window broke and no longer works.
Apart from my mates lying on the a road pissed out of the their skulls, causing a riot van and two police cars to park up beside us, it was good :)
I socially embarrased myself whilst doing a 'Mr. 10 Questions'

Ahhh yes... good time.
Well i just got back from hospital it appears i have split my knuckel in half an need a cast for 4weeks
I came home 50quid lighter. The taxi driver tried to rob me, again!

"these isa five pound note"
"no it is not, it is a ten"
"ah yes, so it is"

Then I went on msn and sent an email I really regret sending.

But Lesbians!!!

I ate (/drank) some glass. Nothing amazingly bad happened yet :(
I felt kind a creepy hanging out with girls who are 17 while I'm 21. Besides that, nothing big. Oh, except a nice little run to see if my friend was going to be ok.