damm shes ugly

She's ugly no matter what picture you look at. Guess she's just not my type :/
Lemonking said:
has anybody how ugly they made Alyx??
she looked quite pretty on first Wallpapers :frown:

i guess that means u won't be asking her out now eh? :rolleyes: :E


The Mullinator said:
Heh. Maybe they decided to make her somewhat uglier to turn people away from making porn mods.

Aylx: pH34|2 my tentacles!! :laugh:
jesus , lets all chip in and get lemonking a hooker i think he needs it....
ukfluke said:
jesus , lets all chip in and get lemonking a hooker i think he needs it....
Agreed. A 16 year old japanese school girl with boobs the size of footballs should be right down his alley don't you think?
Here ya go, a comparison between the early version of Alyx and the final version of Alyx.

Old Alyx:

New Alyx:

See? There's a lot more detail and realism in the newer one. That's the only difference.

Honestly I dont think any pixelated character is Beautiful/sexually attractive in the same way that I dont find her repugnant.
all I see when I look at models is.. a good model, or a bad model.. do they achieve what they set out to do? or does it fall short... is it aesthetically pleasing?

and there are 3 shots with different expressions where it looks as though they wrinkled her up.
I couldnt care either way, but the fact of the matter is she looked different in those shots and I made a sig to tease them about it, I mean come on... the delays matured her? hehe

Grub said:
Here ya go, a comparison between the early version of Alyx and the final version of Alyx.

Old Alyx:

New Alyx:

See? There's a lot more detail and realism in the newer one. That's the only difference.
she looks a shitload better in the new ones (especially costume wise)
people however are refering to the 3 shots that arent yet public.
you can find them via links from other sites, but its not the ones that can be linked to directly.

Ritz said:
Im not playing HL2 now Alyx is not the best looking girl ever!

Grow up, idiots. Who cares if she is not as good looking now.
an assumption coupled with an insult, boy you are on a roll.
wayne white said:
i rather **** a headcrab than her.

Getting hot and sweaty over a female video game character is one slightly worrying thing- but you my boy, need help!!

obiwanquinobi said:
Getting hot and sweaty over a female video game character is one slightly worrying thing- but you my boy, need help!!

well... with headcrabs... you could pull all the teeth and go all american pie on that suc- I mean ..... err oops
Anyone seen Fifth element - Gary Oldman's strange pet with the curious long nose/mouth thing, seemingly grappling for something on Gary????

maybe it's just me...
I've seen the movie. But I have no clue what you're going on about.
Mr. Redundant said:
well... with headcrabs... you could pull all the teeth and go all american pie on that suc- I mean ..... err oops

I can't believe I'm reading this! :eek:
Absinthe said:
Leak material.

I personally don't care, but you're going to get the hammer in some form from somebody. :\

Because of a pic I found? I think the threads with pics of mag reviews are more up for scrutiny. :/
lol - I tell you though, when it first appears, it goes for his groin, and the look on his face... well, subtle obivously (it's a family flick) but that's my interpretation!

I'll get me coat...
we11er said:
Anyone seen Fifth element - Gary Oldman's strange pet with the curious long nose/mouth thing, seemingly grappling for something on Gary????

maybe it's just me...

oh yeah i remember Gary Oldman was looking at it and pointing to his back.
AJ Rimmer said:
Agreed. A 16 year old japanese school girl with boobs the size of footballs should be right down his alley don't you think?
ur hurting my feelings :o .......
regarding the topic: Here in Denmark we have something called "Agurke-tid" That's a time where the honorable journalists and reporters in television and various newspapers run out of news and goes hunting for some subjects. Those subjects are often silly and they will make a big deal out of nothing. A segment in the national news on how one of our politicians painted his summerhouse black is a good example. That's exactly how it is here, it's "Agurke-tid" on HL2.net. Silly and worthless threads are blown into 5 pages.
Mr. Redundant said:
well... with headcrabs... you could pull all the teeth and go all american pie on that suc- I mean ..... err oops

Why didnt I think of that? I must be ...erm...slipping!! :o
Champ said:
regarding the topic: Here in Denmark we have something called "Agurke-tid" That's a time where the honorable journalists and reporters in television and various newspapers run out of news and goes hunting for some subjects. Those subjects are often silly and they will make a big deal out of nothing. A segment in the national news on how one of our politicians painted his summerhouse black is a good example. That's exactly how it is here, it's "Agurke-tid" on HL2.net. Silly and worthless threads are blown into 5 pages.

u've seen nothing yet. just imagine whats it gonna be like if we still have to wait till nov/december after all the good reviews we read :P
Champ said:
regarding the topic: Here in Denmark we have something called "Agurke-tid" That's a time where the honorable journalists and reporters in television and various newspapers run out of news and goes hunting for some subjects. Those subjects are often silly and they will make a big deal out of nothing. A segment in the national news on how one of our politicians painted his summerhouse black is a good example. That's exactly how it is here, it's "Agurke-tid" on HL2.net. Silly and worthless threads are blown into 5 pages.

lmao in Holland that's called "komkommertijd", roughly translated as " cucumbertime" , looks a lot like your "pickle time" in Denmark.
She is not ugly

She did not get ugly.. Check out this picture that was recently released on IGN
guinny said:
You guys are sad...sad people if your upset a pc game character doesn't look hot. And no, Alyx never looked good..ever.

I concur.
obiwanquinobi said:
Getting hot and sweaty over a female video game character is one slightly worrying thing- but you my boy, need help!!


well he has a point, the headcrab has a huge orafice and can latch on
You dont have to be attracted to "her" to say if "she's" pretty looking or not. You can safely say without being a wiedo "shes" tidy compared to the GMan :D

I personally think she looks the same throughout. As people have said just facial expressions.
Subz said:
well he has a point, the headcrab has a huge orafice and can latch on

lol ..this gets worse!

You know, if Valve just give us the god damn game - we might be spared crazy threads like this!

We're ALL going mad!! has anyone else noticed this?

I'm off to bed before I totally crack up

:bounce: :cheese:
I just dont care

and IMO is not a bad thing that someone find hot a videogame female character

will be worriing is find hot a MALE videogame character (if the person is male)
<RJMC> said:
I just dont care

and IMO is not a bad thing that someone find hot a videogame female character

will be worriing is find hot a MALE videogame character (if the person is male)

i agree ... you guys are too worried about the thoughts of others ... if someone painted a beautiful woman ... that you thought was beautiful , it would be acceptable to think so , would it not be?? its the same with with 3d chicks ... but if you lust after a 3d chick , or a made up painted chick ... then thats another story ... but i dont think anyone on these forums actually lusts over alyx ... i think most of the people on here are being sarcastic when they say they'd "hit it" :cheers: ... thats my 2 cents ... and everything i just said is right ... and you are wrong if you contest that
I don't see how it's 'wrong' to acknowledge the simulation of beauty in a fictional character.
we11er said:
me too!

I think anyone attracted to Alyx must just be a confused 14 year old.

I'm too drunk to engage in my usual "smarter-than-thou" behavior. So I'm just going to tell you to STFU and go die in a lonely corner somewhere.
CptStern said:
yes, but I dont get excited over a painting either :)
Whose getting excited? I just apriciate her as artwork (and, hopefully, as a character)