damm shes ugly

Absinthe said:
I'm too drunk to engage in my usual "smarter-than-thou" behavior. So I'm just going to tell you to STFU and go die in a lonely corner somewhere.

lol nice ... :thumbs:
She looks way too old and wrinkled for being a "child of the new world" now, I don't think it has to do with sexyness or "beauty", it's just that she fitted alot more in as a fresh and young person in a scorched world. The little spark of light in the big dark City-17, if we go abit poetic. She just looks as depressed and damaged as everyone else in the game now.
CrazyHarij said:
She looks way too old and wrinkled for being a "child of the new world" now, I don't think it has to do with sexyness or "beauty", it's just that she fitted alot more in as a fresh and young person in a scorched world. The little spark of light in the big dark City-17, if we go abit poetic. She just looks as depressed and damaged as everyone else in the game now.

Great detective work Batman, her complete personality from 2 pictures where she looks constipated. Tell me, where did you hide your crystal ball?

shes always has been ugly... always will too

A problem Valve will face is that with this game they are attempting to make the game immersive through believable characters.

Unfortunately the majority of male gamers do not think a female is believable unless she has the face of a supermodel, the body of Pamela Anderson, etc.

If Valve are forced to appeal to this group, then they will attempt to overly make Alyx sexy. And the second I can see that a game starts relying on sex appeal, you know that gameplay has gone down the toilet.

To be believable, but, they need to learn a lesson that software gods Konami realised (especially team Silent Hill): Beauty comes from flaws.

Look at Silent Hill 2, the character of Maria. She has skin discolourations, hair that was died red then badly bleached, and even a small roll of fat above her skirt.


She is still "sexy", but she is realistic. Despite crappy voice acting, you "care" for all the characters hence helping the immersion into the game.

If Half Life 2 can make characters that seem as realistic as Silent Hill 2's, then the game is guaranteed to be a hit.
merc said:
shes always has been ugly... always will too


Dude, you had the chance to tell Valve what you didn't like about the game!
im really more interested how her shadow will look..

seriously.. sure, she looks more "realistic"..
if realistic is to look like an old hag... but whatever..
She said:
seriously.. sure, she looks more "realistic"..
if realistic is to look like an old hag... but whatever..
Now now, dont get all jealous :p
PvtRyan said:
Dude, you had the chance to tell Valve what you didn't like about the game!
I'm sure VALVe would have the common sense not to listen to him.

negative creep.
Well, I've got a hat complex, She has a thing about shadows, Munro's got his tranvestite tendencies... people get riled up about anything when something else is on their mind :laugh:

Seriously, so what, she looks older. Someone'll probably revert her back to the younger looking smooth skinned Olay-lotion-model Alyx in a mod or something, so don't fret people ;)
I think it's pretty obvious that the facial expressions make her look different in these pics, however there's still an underlying argument of her attractiveness anyway !!

I think that the fact some people find her good looking and others don't is a testement to halflife 2's realistic characters. These same conversations happen in real life about real girls too. It's a matter of personal ... taste, i guess is the right word.

There is no argument - if you think she looks good, then she damn well does! If you think she looks terrible - then damnit you're right!

For the record, i think she looks nice.
Yep,. great example.

And MrFusions avatar still cracks me up

**edit,. oh hey, look, THC,. I'm a Prolwer now! ;)