Damn Editable Mesh!


Nov 1, 2003
Reaction score
For Christ's sake...

I just started the Joan of Arc modeling tutorial. I'm (of course) starting with the modeling of the body. Here's the problem.

I have never ever modeled with Editable Mesh, I always (I'm not that experienced either :p ) use editable poly. They're arranged a bit different, and consequently, this noob needs help!

Check my pic...

I'm simply trying to get rid of that damn hole in my mesh.
In editable poly, I would've used Edge mode, to "insert vertex", and the use Vertex mode for target welding.

Simple right?

Like hell!

I don't know how to do this in editable mesh, and since 3ds Max is the typical example of a program where you can't find shit if you don't already know where it is, my searching for 8 minutes (really!) didn't turn up anything. :bonce:

I'm guessing it's right in front of me, but I can't see it..

If you don't understand it by now, I'm looking for a way to insert a vertex on an edge................................................................. :x

On another note: Editable Mesh, or Editable Poly? Is one of them better than the other, if so, how?

EDIT: I'm using Editable Mesh since that's what they use in the tutorial, I'm aiming for the exact replica.. Would there really be any differences if I used Editable Poly instead ??
Maybe you could try to select the edges then loft them?
I don't see Loft anywhere...

Edit: I'm going to bed now... I'll check this thread in the morning...

Come on lucid dream, come on!
Go into edge mode, select "Divide", and click on the edge where you want to make the vertex.
You could convert it to editable poly, it's alot better imo. But for you question, you could simply create another poly (triangle) with those 3 vertices if you need it or weld that vertex with another next to it.
OCybrmanO Thanks alot! Exactly what I was looking for!

That's actually a bit more convenient than how I would've done it in editable poly...

Thanks to you too Ti133700n, but that wasn't what I was looking for.. :)

I think I'll use this thread to show some stuff when I've done more, so it isn't such a waste..

EDIT!!!! And again, after 5 minutes.....
With Editable Poly, I would've used quick slice.. What do I do in Editable Mesh?
I want to (you guessed it) slice right through the mesh..

And can anyone answer, are there any differences between editable mesh and editable poly ? Except the layout..
If you want to slice a plane through it to make an extra row of vertices you select the object, go to edge (not sure if you have to use edge but that's what I use) mode again, click "Slice Plane," rotate the yellow wireframe square that shows up in the viewports, then click "Slice."