Damn i can't belive hl2 is gettin owned..

By the way, a gamespy member of staff said on the forums that people have been using scripts on the vote.

Anyway, who cares...Britney Spears is popular but that doesn't make her any good.
Well, I voted in the only way that matters, with my wallet. I suggest you all do the same.
The only numbers that matter are preceded by a dollar sign ($). Valve will make enough money from Half-Life 2 and Source engine licensing to keep them in business for a long time, and that's all I care about.
Okay, first off. I've seen a couple of people bashing those who like Halo, and those who are console gamers. Well, I, and I'm sure a number of people on these forums, happen to like Halo and play consoles. Yet I'm also a diehard Half Life 2 fan. So stop generalising.

Anyway, reasons? Well, given that Halo 2 is just that bit closer to release than Half Life 2, I'd imagine it's on people's minds more than Half Life 2, which is understandable. Next, if you look in the Halo 2 blowout on Gamespy, there's a reasonably large link to the Grudge; now, answer me this: fans of which game are more likely to be through the blowout, and will thus spot the Grudge really damn easily? Yeah, I thought so.

Heh, you know, those reasons should be sufficient. Though it's also useful to know that's Microsoft's PR Firm actually sent out email to fansites about the poll to get out word for people to vote there. Hey, extra publicity is good for them.

And of course, as a number of people have already said, it's nothing but a poll. A popularity contest voted by people who have played neither game. It doesn't affect the quality of both games in any way. So no need for anyone to get worked up.
I plyed Halo2 leak and is really cool

but I think HL2 will be better
Mountain Man said:
The only numbers that matter are preceded by a dollar sign ($). Valve will make enough money from Half-Life 2 and Source engine licensing to keep them in business for a long time, and that's all I care about.

To VALVe yes I suppose that's quite important, but to us not as much, although the more money VALVe make's from HL2 the more money they can play with on HL3 :).
and then HL4... and HL5...

*goes into a coma from excitement*
I think the Halo 2 fanbois have went all out to try and "beat" HL2 in any contest. Don't worry; They had their say and on Nov 16, we WILL have ours. :E
Reckless said:
it all the ****in console kiddies that are voting for halo2 because they wouldnt know how to use a computer if it fell on them. lol
that put a smile on my face
who cares if some people won't get the best gaming experience availible, I mean jesus if they just want to not play the best game ever thats their own descision right?
Platinum, don't do that...... You know the mods can just change your post count to -900 in like a second right? Or disable them permanently and you will never again see....

First of all, who cares how HL2 is comparing up to what other people think? If you like HL2 well fine, if you don't, well fine...... I mean don't get all like "WTF YOU DON"T LIKEZOR HL2!!!!!! OMG YOU LIEK HAVE A DIFFERENCE OF OPPINION!!!!11"

Well, of course obviously exxagerated lol but that just kind of sums up a lot of what I'm seeing from these forums lately.

You guys gotta understand that HL2 first of all, is a damn fine game, not everyone's favorite (I didn't beat HL1 for awhile because I thought it sucked) but it is still a decent game. So what if HL2 loses in a stupid poll???? Will HL2 be trashed? Will the world end and the forums close (well to some, if the forums close their world will end)?

I mean get real.

Halo 2 = good game

Half-Life 2 = good game

It's also clearly proven that consoles and such sell much better than PC games and such. Why? People don't want to go through the hassles of fine-tuning a PC's graphics or spending thousands of dollars to upgrade, they want their one box that does it all magically and doesn't need to install.

To me, I'm sure HL2 SP will be good, the MP is decent and all, addicting, and I'm usually not a big fan of SP but from what I've seen it looks intense. Your average joe-schmoe who walks off the street and jumps into HL2 won't understand some things. With HL2 they go OUTSIDE THE BOX which is what some people are scared of, or don't want to try and spend the time doing. They just don't want ot waste their energy. They then go play Halo2 because it follows a good model that has worked in the past and they now have a damn fine game (I'm more anticipating playing Halo2 SP more than HL2 SP to be honest)

I've been making so many rants today... Not sure if it's the vicinin from my surgery that has me all antsy and all, but man people must realize that everything cannot be a you like it or I hate you situation....

Like if you are in charge of VALVe right now (liek omg you are gabe! :) hehe) and then you get an email saying they don't like your game, what can you do? nothing! difference of opiniion is what makes the world go round, and difference of opinion is what makes games what they are...... for example in Halo2 obviously humans want to protect earth but covenant want to destroy it :p difference of opinion that creates action

I made no sense probably, but I'm sick of these people who just registered coming in and saying "omg I'm shocked at this" and "omg did you see they gave us one less point than Doom3 there?!?"

Please, one person reviews the games. I mean play the game, review it yourself, your opinion is just as valid as the reviewers. He only gets paid for it though and gets to play it early rofl :p hehe

/rant off
/flamesuit on
Hahahaha HALO 2 got 10/10 while HALF LIFE 2 got 9.5/10.
Thats right HALO 2's better and you die hard pussy fanboys cant face the facts that a console game scored higher than your beloved PC game.
Bet you're all crying, popping pimples while swearing on these forums hiding behind those dorky computers of yours cause you've been waiting 6 years for this game well guess what your mighty game scored 9.5 HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bwdevil said:
Hahahaha HALO 2 got 10/10 while HALF LIFE 2 got 9.5/10.
Thats right HALO 2's better and you die hard pussy fanboys cant face the facts that a console game scored higher than your beloved PC game.
Bet you're all crying, popping pimples while swearing on these forums hiding behind those dorky computers of yours cause you've been waiting 6 years for this game well guess what your mighty game scored 9.5 HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

riiight. . . :cat: Deep breaths Owned deep breaths.
bwdevil said:
Hahahaha HALO 2 got 10/10 while HALF LIFE 2 got 9.5/10.
Thats right HALO 2's better and you die hard pussy fanboys cant face the facts that a console game scored higher than your beloved PC game.
Bet you're all crying, popping pimples while swearing on these forums hiding behind those dorky computers of yours cause you've been waiting 6 years for this game well guess what your mighty game scored 9.5 HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

charming......Halo 2 probably got a higher score cause it has a bigger fan base with more people wanting to play it but in the end who cares? its just a game and with you making such a big fuss out of it im sure your the one popping your pipples while trying to get your dog pregnent,so why dont you take your dick out of your XBOX and get a life? k thx.
Seriously, Halo 2 sucks. I've mentioned this before.
Maybe I'll like it better in English (doubt it since there are subtitles), but right now it's just taking up hard-drive space on my Xbox.
Holy crap, who gives a shit. Its 2 games. My god, I hope you all realize how rediculous this sounds. HALO 2 IS BETTER NOOOOOOOOO HALF LIFE 2 IS BETTER.

Theyre both good games.
Tab said:
Theyre both good games.

Honestly, Halo 2 sucks.
It's the same old shit as the first one.
But now I'm just being annoying :p
Nah Halo 2 actually got such a good score because its a perfect game.....unlike Half Life 2.
Anyways obviously it's you dorks on this forum making the fuss going on 5 pages of "ooo man i cant believe it", lol makes me laugh how you pathetic people are emotionally attached to this game so much.
Your reply was as to be expected :E although the "trying to get my dog pregnant" was abit of a suprise, although i should of know this thread contains sick mother ****ers like your self.
you should know by now that trying to insult someone on the forums gets you absolutely nowhere.
'you should know by now that trying to insult someone on the forums gets you absolutely nowhere.'

True but it fills in time until i get my hands on HALO 2.
halo 2 is a next gen fps, if medol of honor pacific assualt is considered a next gen then i consider halo 2 one, i mean people aer so negative about halo 2 on this forum, i cant wait for both of em....im gonna play halo 2 non stop and beat it and prolly beat it again and play it a few days with friends, then hl2 comes....and ill play that a few times, and prolly more then halo, but they are both gonna be awesome. nov 9th, the day the world changes....and it changes even more on the 16th
bwdevil said:
'you should know by now that trying to insult someone on the forums gets you absolutely nowhere.'

True but it fills in time until i get my hands on HALO 2.

so does killing yourself. Now quit being a troll

I didn't really enjoy halo..i didn't like the way the damage system worked. that and the enviorment didn't turn me on either. at least the story was decent, got me thru 1/2 the game before i died of boredom :(
I'd have to say I'm looking more forward to Halo 2. Why? It's got a decent multiplayer.

Are you guys seriously just going to keep fighting over damn video games?

yeah, fighting over 2 games is stupid, I just gave my opinion as to why I didn't enjoy my Halo experience...but at least it makes for an active thread!
Wow, there are some angry, biased people here. Some don't seem to understand that of which they speak!

But fear not, you are not alone! From the Gamespy Halo 2 forums:

"Ok why the hell isn't Half Life 2 so damn popular as Halo 2? Why the hell haven't I heard of it until a few months ago? Oh....right...because it sucks, compared to Halo 2. What the ****. You know what I have to say to you Half Life people? I think you can go **** your boyfriends and wait and see how much of a picnic Halo 2 makes Half Life look like."
- Chaotic

For my part I voted Halo 2... but only because it comes out sooner!
Iced_Eagle said:
Are you guys seriously just going to keep fighting over damn video games?


IDIOT! Only Halo 2 is a video game(so far)!
And don't people say that this is a stupid thing to argue about; look at this thread!;p
its easy, you do this poll in 5 years time, people will say "Halo what?"
Robskiwarrior said:
its easy, you do this poll in 5 years time, people will say "Halo what?"
Man, in 5 years the xbox is what the n64 is nowadays:ancient historeh :bonce:
you also have to keep in mind that there are way more xbox gamers out there than pc gamers. mostly cuz 50% of america can't afford a good computer or doesnt know shit about them
We win, good job everyone.
Btw a friend says Halo2 is too short.
wow, these forums are really going down the sh*tter recently :(

Can we just get threads like this closed?

Then maybe they will all migrate to planethalflife or gamespy itslelf, where they can have their nice big flamewar over nothing at all.

P.S voted HL2, but the world isn't going to end if Halo 2 wins people ;)