Damn its quiet at the moment who thinks it will pick up starting from monday?


Jun 23, 2004
Reaction score
i think that big news will start coming this week,if we are lucky we might get a gold,lets just hope hey,what time during the week do you guys think they will release the steam prices?

Also what day do you think cs source will be released?

god its just so quiet at the momenttt arghhhhhh lol
yeah your right it has been quiet, weekends i guess, but yeah im sure we'll hear some news tomorrow.
*cliche mode*
Its quiet... Too quiet...
/cliche mode

Things are usually very quiet on Saturdays and Sundays, they are not official work days after all.
Well, of course it is quiet. All there is left for Valve to announce is that HL2 has gone gold, and that won't happen untill Vivendi is done with the damn RC stage. So untill then expect little or no news to pop up.
well i'm kind of expecting news about CS:S and the ability to actually buy hlaf life on steam this week like they said. we'll hear something tomorrow, have a gut feeling.
your right... its almost too quiet...
AHHHH the mooses are attacking run for your lives...
quick you grab the mp5 ill hold them off at the door.... SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND MOOSES! :sniper: :sniper: :sniper:
Our PC GAMER magazines are expected monday! Tommorow is a big day. Then Thursday will be an even bigger day assuming that's when CS Source is released. I hope it's thursday cause that's the same day as my Cal test. So just as I get home feeling miserable I"ll be feeling 100% again.
Hmmm...It's quiet...too quiet... :dozey:
yeah, I'm guessing valve is taking the weekend off, probably something they haven't done for a long time
i cant imagine it takes this long to test the rc, unless they found loads of bugs. one of the mag reviews said they completed it in 9 hours, i know this isnt a full test, but dosnt make me think it wouldnt take this long to check the rc,
:( i dunno
That would be 19 hours, not 9 :p

And I imagine that the first PC Gamers (US) might start showing up tomorrow to Tuesday.
who knows what we will be discussing this time next week. what an exciting time :E
Would you want to work on the weekend? I wouldnt...but I did anyway.
uziholda said:
i think that big news will start coming this week,if we are lucky we might get a gold,lets just hope hey,what time during the week do you guys think they will release the steam prices?

Also what day do you think cs source will be released?

god its just so quiet at the momenttt arghhhhhh lol

Isn't every week filled of great news and sometimes bad of course. Yep, i think so. Nothing is ever going on in here on the weekends, so go out and have some fun.
Dr0ndeh said:
who knows what we will be discussing this time next week. what an exciting time :E

We will be discussing the same thing we have been for the past year. Release dates and why haven't we heard any updates from Valve.

The release date has been posted by Vivendi and the Steam release MUST be the same day as retail release. We have at least 2 months before we get HL2. :angry:
No official release dated has been posted... Yet i don't think we'll be seeing it this month...
I tihnk tommorow it will be tooh ard to shovel through allt he new info and excitment
It had better pick up tomorrow with me entering my credit card number into Steam to get Counter-Strike Source...
isnt PC game suppose to ht the newsstands on Tuesday the 5th, or at least i heard