Damnit, Kojima!


Companion Cube
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score

"This fourth [Metal Gear Solid] is going to be the final one for me and Shinkawa,"

If this is actually true, it'll be more than a small loss imo, Shinkawa has so far been the character and mechanical designer for MGS, I really hope he doesn't leave the series, and I hope if he does, they get a just as good replacement..:(
/me has both Art of MGS1 and Art of MGS2.
And 3...

I'm sure they'll still be involved in the 5th (if there is a 5th, which there will be, because Sony likes money), they just might not have such a hands-on approach to it.
Damnit, Kojima... indeed. Except, I'm more annoyed with the constant publicity stunts and name dropping than the thought of him not making more games. If you're going to ****ing leave... do it already! The guy has threatened to leave so many times I wouldn't be surprised if he keeps doing this until MGS7 or beyond. Every few years the fans get in a huge uproar over the fact that Kojima is "back" to do another one. He's a ****ing drama queen. When you see him formally announce his resignation and actually retire... then you can start crying about it. Still, even that's not enough to guarantee that he won't come back. You should probably wait until he kicks the bucket.

Anyway, I think Kojima would be better suited to the movie industry. IMO, he focuses more on the story and presentation than the actual gameplay itself (which is why I'm not a huge fan of the MGS series)... he might as well just drop the weakest link and turn them into movies. Oh, and big egos are almost a requirement in that industry... so, he'd fit in just fine.

Yeah, I'm bitter. Ignore me.
shinkawa is the one who make the cool drawings of the characters?
OCybrManO said:
You should probably wait until he kicks the bucket.

They'll cryogenically freeze him and find a cure for death. If they don't, the fans certainly will.

And I completely agree with you on just about all you've said.
they wont revive him, they will clone him for his "creativeness genes"
I'd personally like to see Kojima do more new IPs, I'm pretty sure he's still got tons of ideas for great games rattling around in his brain, and if he keeps doing Metal Gear games the series is going to grow extremely stagnant and shitty, I say good for him
Icarusintel said:
I'd personally like to see Kojima do more new IPs, I'm pretty sure he's still got tons of ideas for great games rattling around in his brain, and if he keeps doing Metal Gear games the series is going to grow extremely stagnant and shitty, I say good for him
like another zone of the enders game:D
I hope he means it this time, I'd like to see the story rounded off.
Samon, I guess so would I.
But it's not really Kojima ticking me off, he has already stated this multiple times so he could still change his mind.
However, this is the first time I've ever heard of Shinkawa quitting.
And yes to that guy who asked who he was a bit above.
Shinkawa did the character and mechanical designs for MGS1, 2, 3 and also ZoE1/2(Zone Of The Enders).

For those interested you can read more about him at YojiShinkawa.com
hopefully they'll go out with a bang which mgs4 looks to be...
I need some story closure after a series this long. I'll be ok if they end the series here as long as most loose ends are tied up. I'd hate to see the series fall to to many sequels and start to suck and go out with a whimper.