Dance-punk/electrohouse suggestions


Apr 24, 2004
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So I've been listening to some "dance-punk" bands for some time now and was thinking what else is good out there.

Bands/musicians like LCD Soundsystem, The Juan Maclean, Hot Chip, !!!, Cut Copy, and Crystal Castles (although these last two are only vaguely related to dance-punk, I guess).

Also, what is some good electro-house (e.g. Justice) and some weird electronic dance music like Omar S., and Lindstrom?

Now there's something I've never heard of.
So, hipster music?

And Justice are not electro-house. They are French porno-house; a ripoff of Daft Punk.
So, hipster music?

And Justice are not electro-house. They are French porno-house; a ripoff of Daft Punk.

I do not see how justiced "ripped off" daft punk, their only similarities is the fact they're french. Daft punk is more filtered french house while Justice is a big mish mash of popular music and their interpretation of it, with some sampling thrown in.
So, hipster music?

And Justice are not electro-house. They are French porno-house; a ripoff of Daft Punk.

What exactly makes something hipster these days, anyway? I was under the impression that the word hipster is one of those overused catchall phrases to describe something.