Danger Zone

nice shit! I loved the scene in the house...Combine got owned. next time remove your HUD though...that kinda ruined it for me
pr0nking said:
nice shit! I loved the scene in the house...Combine got owned. next time remove your HUD though...that kinda ruined it for me

Thanks pr0nking,

It's weird. I removed the HUD in the recordings. But when I went back and captured the footage with FRAPS, it came back!

Any of you guys know how to get rid of the HUD permanently?
cl_drawhud 0 doesn't work....at least with FRAPs.
not working for me, gives me a warning saying that its unsupported. I have the newest codecs too. I hear the sound, but don't see the video. :frown:
Yeah I am getting errors too for a missing codec. I am reinstalling divx to see if it might help.

EDIT: New codec did not work.
you might want to tell people what exactly it is . . .
You need to tell people what codec you used. I have like ever codec every invented and i couldnt run it... So might want to share?
Sorry guys, I used 3ivx D4 4.5.1 Video Codec. Next time I'll be sure to mention that. :thumbs: