danish speaking zombies

surely the test would actually be set an english person on fire and see if they speak danish??
That is definately english backwords. You can here it clearly "Oh God, help! Help MEE......."

wth cares if english and danish come from the same root. English backwords didn't come from the same root as danish.
Mediocrity said:
Enough of this pointless arguing- someone needs to solve this once and for all by setting a Dane on fire and seeing if he speaks English backwards. I await the results eagerly.
ahahhahahahah that was actually funny :LOL:
interesting- danish and english backwords. How did they pull that off? Or maybe it just sounds danish.
I doubt an englishman on fire would speak danish. As we all know danish is english backwards and why would an englishman speak his mothertongue backwards? :D
Any drivel can sound like danish. It's a strange language.
the logos and signs are all in russian

Some say "construction" , some say Cement and the one in the water sais Port 5.. which is pretty obvious.
They arnt speaking anything but english, their voices are muffled by the headcrab stuck to their face, they say "oh god, help me! Somebody, Please! Ahhhhhhhhh!"
Pauly said:
interesting- danish and english backwords. How did they pull that off? Or maybe it just sounds danish.
No no, the way it is originally sounds Danish, but when reversed it becomes English.

Let me just emphasize, it sounds Danish, I just played that dude's zip file on the previous page, yeah, it sounds Danish, but no-where near being it.

On another note, the fact that they speak backwords could be related the the Headcrab facing the wrong way? :p

I do know that one of the things they are sayng is " get out of my...room? house? what?
Hasn't anyone seen Top Secret? In the scene where they're speaking Swedish or Danish or something, they just play the scene backwards to make it sound like it.

Then Val Kilmer starts throwing books onto a bookcase and a dog walks across the screen backwards.
hl2slet said:
cky er du dansker, dejligt at der også er andre!!!!!
tror der er mange...men anyways...don't think we should begin to talk danish all the time hehe
Ja ja, det er jeg da. Selvfølgelig lokker navnet på dette topic alle danskerne til i dette forum.

btw, Speak danish when you are drunk, high and like to sing= swedish
cky said:
The zombies in HL2 speaks danish. Well, only when they are on fire. Some Swedens on Valve thought it was funny, because Denmark and Sweden are rivals. I, myself are danish so i could understand what they said. Pretty crazy, huh?

If you're Danish, then you don't speak it very well. It's english played backwards.
Do you even know the language danish? propably not since youre from Canada. Besides, i just think it sounds like danish, but isn't meant to be danish.

Though, it does really sounds like clear danish
it sounds like a mexican thats been double duced by two black guys on their way to poke some danes
the two black guy's would get their asses kicked
I can understand the zombies in clear english. They say
Mediocrity said:
Enough of this pointless arguing- someone needs to solve this once and for all by setting a Dane on fire and seeing if he speaks English backwards. I await the results eagerly.

HAHAHAHAHA I agree, best post evar.
I think it would have been too disturbing if they spoke forward. GJ, Valve, you now made us set some Danes on fire...er...thanks for allowing me to still sleep at night.
Mad-Larkin said:
surely the test would actually be set an english person on fire and see if they speak danish??

No my friend. The test would be setting a City 17ian on fire and seeing if speaks danish. But first, put a head humper on him.
Larkin, The English language is not Germanic in any way. technically, english evolved from Latin.
They just sounded like they were screaming in in English to me.
I'm pretty sure they do not speak Danish. Actually, I'm totally sure. Unless you're in Dane or Daneland or whatever, they might say DEAR GOD HELP ME! in Danish.
*eats a danish*
Psychanalysis05% said:
They just sounded like they were screaming in in English to me.
Yep thats what I said. I think they speak english because I can clearly hear english.