Dark Energy - Tryin to ride those slippery Lift's has got me beat...



I don't know if anybody has had an easy time hopping on those lifts in Dark Energy where you ride around and then up to the next level.

I have re-loaded about a hundred times, and can never seem to get more than 3/4's of the way around. I just keep slipping off.

Anbody got any techniques for staying onboard?
(This spot is for me, definitely the most frustrating part of the entire game so far)

you press E (or whatever you binded your use key to be) to enter the lifts!
Also, they should just lock you in place anyway if you jump on them properly.
(No, don't tell me they won't for you, it won't achieve anything)
Kirkburn said:
Also, they should just lock you in place anyway if you jump on them properly.
(No, don't tell me they won't for you, it won't achieve anything)
Do they? I just pressed E on it and hoped it wouldn't kill me.
Sorry guys, I wasn't talking about getting into those Combine people movers.

This is later in the level where you need to get up to higher levels in the Dark Fusion Reactor tower. You circle around working your way along the edges killing combine trioops along the way. Then you reach a point where you move out on one a small extended grid of steel and jump onto one of the large and lifting slabs circling the core. The surface has a center groove in it. I can get on and if I keep tapping the "W" key I can sort of stay on, but I haven't been able to get the "body english" just right for balancing on it. I have never made it further than 3/4's the way around without slipping off.

This is the spot I'm stuck at. Any ideas?
just keep doing bits till you have it done and then press F6 to save so you dont have to do that bit again.
All_Steamed_Out said:
Sorry guys, I wasn't talking about getting into those Combine people movers.

This is later in the level where you need to get up to higher levels in the Dark Fusion Reactor tower. You circle around working your way along the edges killing combine trioops along the way. Then you reach a point where you move out on one a small extended grid of steel and jump onto one of the large and lifting slabs circling the core. The surface has a center groove in it. I can get on and if I keep tapping the "W" key I can sort of stay on, but I haven't been able to get the "body english" just right for balancing on it. I have never made it further than 3/4's the way around without slipping off.

This is the spot I'm stuck at. Any ideas?
You must be on something you weren't supposed to, since when I did that part I had no problems.

Try going back to the bottom and going up an alternate way. Screenshots would be useful as well.
I had the same difficulty. Was just a matter of trying really. I thought crouching helped for me.
Thanks for the response Ennui. I am following the same path that the Gamespot walkthrough guide follows. The thing that drives me crazy is that they don’t have any problem getting through it. They are even firing back at Combine troops as they ride (who I have all killed before I get on). There is no problem getting on, but as soon as it moves I get thrown back and slide off. To counter this I tap the W key to keep pace with the forward motion (overcome inertia as it accelerates?). I feel like I’m trying to do it while riding a unicycle. To help you with where I am – as soon as you would get off (successfully) there is a health station to do a recharge.

Here’s the Gamespot trailer link (you may need to be a member for the link to let you through - 29.5mg):

The Halflife Fallout Walkthrough mentions how slippery it is:

But in any case, you got through it (and didn’t even notice any difficulty) – so who knows…
ahaha! that's funny, I didn't even notice.

I'll play through that part again and see.
It sounds like the game isn't providing any friction between you and the lifts... which would be a bug. I think most of us are just able to stand on the lifts and they do their thing without input from us... try starting a new game from Dark Energy, maybe?
I have no slipping problems in that part of the game, can get right up in a minute or so, with then leaves me wondering about the actual path you are taking. Did you step in dog poop at the bottom?

Finally got through it after about a total of 200 reloads. I eventually tried the suggestion about F6'ing as I went along. This meant having my index on the F6 key while the pinky was on the W key to keep tapping forward and compensate for the inertia of the forward motion. This created accidental F6 during a fall - and having to start over from the last autosave. Definitely, my most frustrating part of the whole game.

Anyway, the game is finished - now what?
No no no, that's the easiest part in the game. You dont jump on them and try to stay on, you walk up to them on the two entry points where they stop, open up and face you, and you press your key bound to use and it locks you right in them and takes you along to sight see in the combine citadel.
MrWhite said:
No no no, that's the easiest part in the game. You dont jump on them and try to stay on, you walk up to them on the two entry points where they stop, open up and face you, and you press your key bound to use and it locks you right in them and takes you along to sight see in the combine citadel.
We've already established that this isn't the part he's having trouble with. What he's talking about is the part after Breen gets away, where you have to run and jump through the core, and you sit on a thing that rotates around the middle of the core... he keeps falling off.

You need to read the whole thread next time...
Arden said:
We've already established that this isn't the part he's having trouble with. What he's talking about is the part after Breen gets away, where you have to run and jump through the core, and you sit on a thing that rotates around the middle of the core... he keeps falling off.

You need to read the whole thread next time...

My apologies, no need to get pushy. I read the entire thread, I was under the assumption that everyone was still having toruble trying to figure out what he was talking about.
I remember every part of the Dark Energy chapter and I don't recall any "slippery spinning" thing. It sounds to me like you went somewhere that you weren't supposed to go.
I was begining to think I was the only one.

The physics that throws me off of those things doesn't seem right. I can't believe you made it! I haven't tried to do the "saving" thing. I wonder if it is a glitch that has to do with hardware? I've been trying to ride those things off and on for over a week.
Dupont said:
I remember every part of the Dark Energy chapter and I don't recall any "slippery spinning" thing. It sounds to me like you went somewhere that you weren't supposed to go.
Same here. I remember the last part of the game to be very easy, and I sure don't remember trying to stand on a spinning slippery platform. Original poster definately went somewhere where he wasn't supposed to be :p

Old thread :|
Ok, I finally did it. What I had to do was start a new game then select "dark energy", I knew right off that I now had "friction" because I went up the first ramp without any problem. When I didn't have friction I'd have to hug the right wall of the first ramp to get up it or else I'd just slip off the left side into oblivion.
I made it past the three columns by skirting around them instead of emptying them. (took a few tries).
Then end would have disappointed me a little if I didn't already kind of know it from reading all the walkthroughs trying to figure out why I couldn't stand on the darn rotating thing.
Oh, I forgot, what I was doing before was going to load then trying different saved sequences in "dark energy" to try to figure out how to get friction.
I see the problem here. It appears the poster was trying to get on the large metal object rotating around Breen and the core as he ascends. In reality, that's not how you reach the top level at all. You have to stand on the rising platforms and then jump onto the walkway surrounding the fusion reactor tower. The base of it can be difficult to see, but it's there. Then you circle clockwise on the platform until you reach another rising platform, then one more, then you reach the top.
Screen shot of the slippery platform

This is a glitch, either you find it slippery or you don't find it slippery at all.


  • this is the slippery platform.JPG
    this is the slippery platform.JPG
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